Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Is Genesis 38 In The Wrong Place?

Genesis 38:1 "It came to pass at that time that Judah departed from his brothers, and visited a certain Adullamite whose name was Hirah....."

Genesis 38 has puzzled Bible scholars for centuries.  

In the previous chapter, Genesis 37 begins well enough.  It tells us that Joseph was 17, beloved of his father who gave him a wonderful coat.  

(For more on what's so different or important about his coat, follow this link:

Joseph was the youngest so he was the one who cared for his father's sheep.  Even back the it wasn't considered the most desirable job.  In fact, it pretty much meant you ere low on the totem pole, so to speak.  
He was obviously his father's favorite and, as s a result, was the object of jealousy and hatred by his brothers.  That coat was almost the last straw. 

The chapter ends with him being completely rejected, thrown into a pit and sold for 20 pieces of silver to some passing traders who took him away captive to Egypt and into slavery.  This is the very last verse:  "Now the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and captain of the guard."

(Joseph in Egypt.)

Enter chapter 38.  For some strange reason, the Holy Spirit totally jumps tracks and interjects a segment from Judah's story.  Afterward, He picks up where He left off with the rest of Joseph's story in chapter 39. It doesn't make any sense.  
If you are reading this article, however, today is your lucky day.  You're going to find out why the Holy Spirit placed chapter 38 right in the middle of Joseph's story!

Here are the opening 5 verses of chapter 38. 
1 "It came to pass at that time that Judah departed from his brothers, and visited a certain Adullamite whose name was Hirah. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua, and he married her and went in to her. 3 So she conceived and bore a son, and he called his name Er. 4 She conceived again and bore a son, and she called his name Onan. 5 And she conceived yet again and bore a son, and called his name Shelah. He was at Chezib when she bore him."

(Tamar dressed like a prostitute.)

He went to visit a certain Adullamite?  So what!  Why interrupt Joseph's story to talk about that?  Now do you see why scholars have been scratching their heads for centuries?
The whole chapter ends with the story of Judah's daughter-in-law, Tamar, who tricked him into having sex with her.  She ultimately had twin boys by him named "Perez and Zerah."
And another thing:  Why is Judah in particular singled out and discussed and not one of the other brothers?  There were 11 of them after all.  Why not Asher, Ephraim or Naphtali?  

A Message For Us.
As usual, the Holy Spirit has a message for us in all this confusion.  Of all the Old Testament types and shadows, Joseph's life story is the clearest depiction of the life of our Lord Jesus.  Let's check out what He's been trying to tell us that has heretofore baffled theologians for centuries.

At the end of chapter 37 Joseph was rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery for 20 pieces of silver. His brothers reported back to his father that he was dead.
While in Egypt, he was imprisoned for three years, rose to prominence as Viceroy, second only to Pharoah in power and, when his brothers first came to buy grain, they didn't recognize him.  He revealed his identity to them later on in the story at a later meeting with them.

(Joseph sold for 20 pieces of silver.)

Jesus was betrayed--sold out--for 30 pieces of silver by natural Israel, his Hebrew brethren, was taken away in chains, died on the cross and rose the third day, depicted by Joseph's 3-year imprisonment.  He was ultimately rejected by the entire Jewish nation because they didn't recognize their Messiah at His first coming.  Many Jews to this day believe the concocted story that he is still dead and that His disciples stole His body.  When He returns, I assure you, THEY WILL MOST CERTAINLY RECOGNIZE HIM!

40 years after Jesus ascended to His Father, God allowed Emperor Titus to destroy the temple in 70AD.  This effectively put an end to all animal sacrifices because God's beloved Son, Jesus was the FINAL one.

(Temple destroyed in 70A.D. and Jewish people scattered.)

Remember what happened next? The diaspora.  The Jewish people were scattered, dispersed among all the nations of the world and have remained among the nations for 2,000 years.  Then, in 1948, they took possession of their land again and the nation of Israel was born.  Many have returned to their land but, by far, not all have come back. 

Why Chapter 38?
So how does all that reconcile the problem of chapter 38?  When Judah left his brothers, he married a Canaanite woman; a Gentile, whose father was named Shua.  God was painting a picture of what would happen to Israel.  IT'S PART OF A TIME LINE.

Shua is a Canaanite; a Gentile. His name in Hebrew means "wealth. "Judah" left his "brothers" and went to visit his "Canaanite (Gentile)" friend.  It's a picture, if you will, of the Jewish people rejecting Jesus, being scattered amongst the Canaanites--the Gentiles of the world--and intermingling with Shua: wealth.

The Blessing Of Abraham.
Didn't you ever wonder why Jewish people seem to have a disproportionate ability to be influential in the world today for both good and evil?  It's because of the blessing of Abraham.  They came to be called "Jews" because of the name "Judah," in fact.

Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, the largest of all the tribes.  When the Jewish people were scattered, they would chase after wealth wherever they went in the world among the nations. Because of God's promise to Abraham, they would prosper financially.  That they have! Though they don't have the full blessing, which is salvation, like we do, they have blessed the whole world nevertheless.  Salvation, by far, is the greatest blessing!  

Remember that Joseph's brothers didn't know Who had put their money back into their sacks of grain?  Most of Abraham's descendants today don't really know why they have such a disproportionate talent for financial gain and for blessing the whole world with their inventions, discoveries and insights.  Many don't even believe in the God of their fathers.

Disproportionate Infulence.
Just look at this list of some of the most recognizable billionaires:
Michael Dell: Dell Computers
Benjamin Rosen: Compaq
Andrew Grove: Intel
Larry Ellison: Oracle
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook.  

Regardless of your opinion of him, he just happens to be the youngest billionaire IN THE WORLD!  Is it thier brains?  Talent?  No.  It's the blessing of Abraham!

(Mark Zukerberg.)

The list of their accomplishments goes on and on and on and on, from movie stars, actors and actresses, doctors, researchers, scientists, authors, nobel prize winners, mathemeticians.....you get the idea.  
You see, even though many aren't the most devout, God has remained faithful to them.  He, Who always keeps His word, has kept the promise He made to Abraham:  To bless him and his seed, even if they don't even recognize or serve Him.  Many actually even hate Him!  But His love and tender heart toward His chosen people has not abated AND IT NEVER WILL. We are fickle and disloyal but not Him. HE IS A COVENANT-KEEPING GOD.

A Better Covenant.
If God is like that to those who aren't even IN the fold, how much more will He love and bless those of us who are?  And you were worried that He would turn His back on you just because you stumbled and fell!  AS KF!!!  No.  We have an even better covenant with Abba than the Jewish people!!!   In addition to being heirs to all the promises of Abraham, WE HAVE JESUS!  Ours is the FULL BLESSING!

So you see, Judah's story is placed here quite purposefully by the Holy Spirit to serve as a snapshot of Jesus' lineage.  How do we know that?  Because the chapter ends with Perez who is listed in His genealogy.  The whole chapter outlines what was going to happen to Jesus' natural family in their far-distant future.

(Joseph reunited with his brothers.)

They didn't recognize Him in Egypt at their first encounter--Egypt is a typology of the world--but Jesus will unveil Himself to them and they'll be reunited at last at His second coming.  He will restore the kingdom and their former glory to them as well as their relationship and position.....fully! 

...and that, Church, is why chapter 38 is here.

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