Friday, June 27, 2014

A Clean Heart

Psalm 51:10-12
10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God,  And renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.  12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit."

This was King David's most earnest desire and the desperate cry of all the Old Testament saints.  They longed for and looked forward to the day when God would be able. To do what He said:  Remove the heart of stone with a heart of flesh!  
Well, Church:  That blessed day came some 2,000 years ago!  What they longed for, WE HAVE!!!  Their heart's desire is our reality!   No longer do we need to pray this prayer because need to pray this prayer because God answered David's prayer; He sent His Beloved Son and fulfilled the prophecy below.  

God Rolled Away The Stone.
Ezekiel 36:26-27
26 "I will give you a NEW HEART and put a NEW SPIRIT within you; I will take the heart of stone {the Law} out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh {Grace}. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them."

He rolled the stone away from our hearts and gave us a heart of flesh!  His Spirit can now reside IN US, causing us to, as He says, "walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them."  
Notice, He says "HE CAUSES IT TO HAPPEN!"  It is not by our efforts.  Your spirit is FOREVER CLEANSED OF ALL SIN FOR ALL TIME AND ETERNITY.  As far as forgiveness of sins is concerned, between you and God, IT'S A DONE DEAL.

No Revolving Door.
If that is not what you've been taught, consider this:  
If your spirit is not completely cleansed of sin FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE from the moment you were born again, the Holy Spirit, being God, would have to come and go.....mostly through a revolving door.  God CANNOT have fellowship with exceptions.  If sinful deeds since your new birth were actually able to taint your righteousness in Christ, do you realize what you're saying?  That Jesus didn't finish the work. AS IF!

But that's not true, is it?  JESUS DID A FINISHED WORK!  He cleansed your ENTIRE life of all sin from our birth until we see His face.  And the good news?  Your heart is no longer desperately wicked. You have a new one with new desires!  It is trustworthy.  God says so.

Result Of The Fall.
When Adam sinned in the garden all of mankind fell and death passed to all of us.  There is nothing we can do to change our sinful standing.  NOTHING.  We cannot rack up brownie points or do enough enough good deeds to tip the scales in our favor.  We are lost, condemned for all eternity and deserving of hell.  The only hope anyone had before Christ came was offering the right sacrifices to cover, or atone for, their sins.

Then, HALLELUJAH!  Jesus came and everything changed!  When we accept Him as our Savior He cleanses our entire lives.   We now have ETERNAL life.  But as we go through life after our new birth, we occasionally sin.  But you and I have an Advocate with the Father Who spring into action on our behalf, our very own heavenly lawyer.  We are declared, "NOT GUILTY."  We have His covering over us as we walk through life!  

Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Some say that you can do something bad enough to lose our salvation.  Well, sorry:  This statement just doesn't hold water.
Think about it.  First of all, how can you lose it if it's ETERNAL?  DUH!  
Secondly, if NOTHING you do can undo what Adam did but you can commit a sin bad enough to undo what Jesus did, you are declaring that what Adam did was greater than what Jesus did!  

Again.....AS IF!  Wash your mouth out with soap!  

Once you are saved, The Holy Spirit comes into your heart.  HE NEVER LEAVES YOU as He left David for a time. He never has to because WE ARE ALWAYS CLEAN.   That’s why He can always be there. 

NEVER AGAIN do you need to be restored to right standing with God.  YOU ARE ALWAYS WELL-PLEASING TO HIM. He doesn't look at you to evaluate you.  He looks at your perfect Lamb--Jesus.  God only sees Him: Your perfect representative!  

There is no revolving door.  

So fear not, Church:  You CAN trust your heart because God kept His promise.

He created.....PAST you a Clean Heart.

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