Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Colors Of The Tabernacle: Tabernacle Series Part 7

Exodus 26:1
“Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine woven linen and blue, purple, and scarlet thread; with artistic designs of cherubim you shall weave them."
Exodus 26:31
““You shall make a veil woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen. It shall be woven with an artistic design of cherubim.”

There are no insignificant details from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21!  Absolutely none.  Everything in it tells us something wonderful about Jesus and is not there just to make the book thicker.  It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that, just as Hebrew is a language of picture writing like Chinese, so colors have meaning and also play a significant role in the Bible. 

From the High Priest's garments to the furnishings, coverings, curtains, implements, everything In the Tabernacle of Moses was designed according to God's exact specifications which He gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  
There were three main colors:  Blue, purple and scarlet, woven throughout the tabernacle from it's coverings and curtains to the garments of the high priest.  A fourth color, the pure white linen which is not readily visible, served as the foundation of every fabric.
Unique in their construction, the high priest's garments and the Ephod itself also had a fifth element woven throughout:  Pure gold thread.  Gold depicts God's divinity and gave to the fabric a sheen as well as durability.  Five is also the number of grace!  We'll talk about gold later on because it's a whole story in and of itself.

White speaks of purity and righteousness. Blue typifies God's divinity.  You might say it is the "color of God."  Blue has a very special meaning to Him which is discussed in another article.  Follow the links below if you'd like to know more:

God made the sky blue to reflect the glory of His beloved Son!  Purple depicts royalty and red is a picture of His human side as well as His shed blood.  These three colors are always recorded in this order:  Blue, purple, scarlet. Even the order is a message!

Before Jesus was born as a human baby, He was all God, or you could say "all blue."  
Humans, of course, are red blooded. "Adam," one of the words for "man," in Hebrew, literally means "red-blooded man."  In modern Israel the word for blood is the word, "dam," which is the root word for "A-dam."  
Jesus, the "all blue," was born of Mary, an "all red," and God became something He never was before:  PURPLE:  The Perfect Human.

Remember your finger painting days in kindergarten when you mixed red and blue?  What did you get?  Purple!  
Jesus, the "all blue," was born of Mary, an "all red," and God became something He never was before:  PURPLE, the color of royalty! The Perfect Human.
As believers, you and I start out "all red," accept the "all blue," and we also become purple, royalty like Jesus!  
Once this color change has happened, there is NOTHING and NO ONE that can reverse it.....including you, no matter how bad you are or how far you stray.  You are purple for all eternity.  
It's another way our Father is telling us that our salvation is eternal; irreversible; irrevocable. That means you cannot ever be guilty of committing the so-called "unpardonable sin."  
(For more on that topic, follow this link:  

(The Apostle Paul.)

The New Covenant is hidden in various places throughout the Old Testament.  What else would Jesus have talked about to the Apostle Paul, right?  He went though the Old Testament, the way He learned it from Jesus, and revealed the spiritual truths hidden there.  Of course, The New Testament wasn't written as yet because it was Paul who penned 3/4 of it as one of God's many Jewish secretaries, you understand.  

The stories, the events, the people, places and even numbers recorded in the Bible were specially selected by the Holy Spirit to serve as object lessons and visual aids to teach us spiritual truths. It's amazing to me how skillfully He crafted the scriptures so that is it like a living, breathing organism.  It speaks to us in different ways at different times and even prophesies the future.

These truths about colors perfectly illustrate John 10:27-30 where Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.””
NO ONE is able to snatch us out of either Jesus' hand or our Father's hand!  How's that for security?!

Even more amazing, each of the four main colors of the Tabernacle correspond to a specific Gospel.  Jesus is portrayed as "King of Kings" most often in Matthew's gospel. The Lion corresponds to it because the Lion is the King of beasts as Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The color of royalty is purple so it is the "color" of this gospel. The lineage recorded in Matthew proves his rightful, kingly claim to the throne of His father, King David.

In Mark He is portrayed most often as the suffering servant which is why red corresponds to this gospel.  The ox was used as a sacrificial animal as well as a beast of burden; a servant.  Jesus went about doing good, healing, restoring.  He says in Mark's gospel that He came NOT TO BE SERVED, but to serve.  There is no genealogy here because the pedigree of a servant is unneccessary.  

(The Temple veil with depiction of the four gospels.)

Then we come to the Gospel of Luke.  Here, Jesus is portrayed in very domestic settings, living among the ones He loved so much, like Mary, Martha and Lazarus. The Prodigal son is recorded here.  White is associated with this gospel.  Jesus is most often referred to in Luke as "the Son of Man," hence the picture of a man's head on the temple veil.

(Jesus gently rebukes Martha and defends Mary.)

Why portray Him as a man?  Because it is so easy to get caught up in His majesty and might as a holy God that we sometimes forget that He is also fully human, with human emotions and human sympathies.  He doesn't merely know how we feel; He feels what we feel! He loves us as family!  His lineage recorded here goes all the way back to Adam proving that He didn't just take on human form like invasion of the body snatchers; He is 100% Man.

In the Gospel of John, where His Godhood is revealed, Jesus is portrayed most often as the "Blue" or "Very God" from heaven. The Eagle, which soars high above in the heavens, represents this Gospel.   There is no genealogy here because, as divinity, He has no beginning and no end.  

Remember I said Gold was a subject in and of itself?  It is the fifth element.  Artisans of ancient Israel took the purest fine gold and first hammered or beat it into very thin sheets until it was paper thin.  Next, they cut it into tiny strips, rolled and stretched it until it was very fine thread.  This was woven in amongst the blue, purple, scarlet and white linen and fashioned into the Ephod and the breastplate on which were mounted the 12 precious stones.
This hammering, beating, cutting, rolling and stretching is a graphic representation of the beating Jesus took in our place.  He was brutalized so badly by the sadistic Roman soldiers that He was not even recognizable as human.
All the rest of gold in the entire tabernacle was fashioned in the same way:  Beaten and hammered into shape...and there's a whole lot of it!  (Box of tissues, please!)

Go through each of the Gospels sometime.  Look at the beautifully woven tapestry of the Blue, Purple, Scarlet, the White.....and the Gold.  Trace the colors for yourself.  See the white as the Man, sound asleep in the boat awoke to the cries of His loved ones.  See the power and majesty of the Blue as He commands the wind and waves to be still with a word: SHALOM!  

See the Red as our divine servant went about doing good, the One Who suffered all for our sakes. See the Blue as He healed ALL who were sick and oppressed of the devil.  See the Purple as The King Who sat down on the mount to teach the people, not as the Scribes and Pharisees but as One having authority. See the King Who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  

See the Gold as the One tested by the devil and found to be the genuine article.  He was very God in human form.  It makes me want to fall on my face and give thanks to our Father for sending the One Who was beaten and broken for us so that we would be spared. 

If you're facing a seemingly insurmountable problem in your life and you need a really big miracle, the most powerful ones are where He raised the dead.  Read the Blue Gospel:  John.  Reach out to Him. He's the God of the "impossible;" The One Who parts the waters and makes a way where there seems to be none.  He's the One Who brings the dead back to LIFE! 

(If you're curious as to why we have only four gospels and not simply one or more, follow this link:  

In any event, be warmed, filled, blessed, encouraged, healed and inspired as you look for Jesus in the tapestry of the Gospels represented by the Colors of the Tabernacle.   

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Pool Of Bethesda

John 5:2-6 
“Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 
Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, 'Do you want to be made well?'"
 The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”
 Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.”  And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.
And that day was the Sabbath"

Imagine being sick for 38 years, so near to your cure and yet so far.  This man was not only sick, he had no friends or family to help him into the pool.
He sat on one of the porches by this pool near the Sheep gate called "Bethesda."  There were five porches in all.  
The name Bethesda tells a story all it's own like all names in the Bible.  Beth means "house;" Hesed means "grace," in Hebrew.  It was the "House of Grace" with five porches.  
Church, who are we, or should I say, Whose are we?  The sheep of His (Grace) flock. Five is the number of Grace!

(Pool of Bethesda unearthed in early 1900's)

So 38 years after becoming infirmed, along came Jesus one day to the Sheep Gate where this Pool of the Waters of the House of Grace were with it's Five porches.  He asked the man if he wanted to be made well.  The unnamed man with this unspecified infirmity doesn't answer Jesus' question but instead, talked about his situation.
Jesus didn't ask again or wait for an answer.  He simply gave him a command:  "Rise, take up your bed and walk."  IMMEDIATELY the man was made well!  
He was WASHED BY THE WATER OF THE WORD OF GRACE PERSONIFIED, Jesus Himself.  He now carried that which had carried him and walked out of the place fully restored to life and health!

Look at that!  No request by the man for healing.  No sermon about having faith for healing.  No qualification of any kind.  Yet obviously the man heard Jesus' words, believed and acted on them.  This, to the Pharisees' chagrin, happened on the Sabbath.

One word of Grace from the Master Himself, Jesus, and we can walk with ease, physically and spiritually made whole again!

(God provides meat for the Israelites in the wilderness)

This man's story is hidden in the Old Testament, like everything else in the New. He is a picture of Israel wandering in the wilderness for 38 years.
"38 years," you say?  "I thought they wandered for 40."
Well, yes, they were IN the wilderness for 40 years but their wandering or "lost-ness," to coin a phrase, was actually only 38 years.  

The first two years were not a judgment against them.  In their last year, almost all the unbelieving Israelites had died off.  Also in the last year, all three of these people:  Miriam, Aaron and Moses, died.  It was shortly after their deaths that they entered the promised land under the leadership of Joshua.

In the first year and again in the last year, year 1 and year 40, they had two different "Rock" encounters.  The first occurred when the children of Israel 
A complete article on that subject and learn what happened to Moses can be found at the link below:

These two encounters, the 38 years of wandering and the entering into the Promises Land are also a timeline.  These encounters represent Jesus' first and second comings.  The 38 years depicts the Jewish dispersion which came to an end in 1948 when Israel came back as a nation. 

True to this timeline, many of our Jewish brethren in these last days are indeed being healed of their long infirmity as they are washed by the water of the word of grace at the porches of the House of Grace by the Master Himself:  JESUS.
He is the true Pool of Bethesda!

The Bronze Altar: Tabernacle Series Part 1

“I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, O Lord: That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.”
Psalms 26:6-7 KJV

(The Bronze Altar)

In these two verses, David is talking about the Bronze Altar.  He had a revelation of it that, when you see what he saw, it will bless you and make you, as a Christian, both a winner and an overcomer.  

When he says, "I will compass thine altar," he's saying that every side of it is rich with meaning.  These amazing and beautiful pictures that the Holy Spirit has drawn demonstrate our Father's great love for us and to show us more about Jesus.  

The altar was located in the outer court of the Tabernacle.  Notice it is shaped like a cross?  That is what it represents. The four corners:  North, South, East and West point out that the cross is for the four corners of the earth, for all nations and all peoples.  It also depicts how we approach God:  BY THE CROSS.  We come to Him in our sins to be cleansed of them once and for all. 

The altar itself was made of a kind of copper that is much more sturdy than anything we have today.  It was so durable that it could never be burned up.  Sacrifices were offered continually upon it and arose as a sweet smelling savor to the Lord, reminding Him of His beloved Son.  Even the four corners have meanings and speak of our Christain life.

The North Side.
“And if his offering be of the flocks, namely, of the sheep, or of the goats, for a burnt sacrifice; he shall bring it a male without blemish. And he shall kill it on the side of the altar NORTHWARD before the Lord: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his blood round about upon the altar.”
Leviticus 1:10-11 KJV

(Four horns or corners of the altar.)

The lamb is always killed on the North side because for Israel, evil always came from the North.  The North wind, for instance, is a destructive wind.  Draw a straight line Northward from Jerusalem and what do you hit?  Moscow.  Who is behind and funding terror attacks on Israel?  You guessed it.

The sacrificial Lamb that the offerer brought to the North side of the altar was slaughtered there. The man bringing it would lay his hands on it's head, his sins would pass to the innocent lamb and the representative righteousness of the lamb would pass to the man in a Divine exchange.  The innocent was slain for the guilty.

That's how our Christian life begins:  With the cross and the death of Christ.  The Innocent Lamb of God was slain for guilty man.  His ETERNAL righteousness passed to us as our sins were laid on Him and the Divine exchange took place.  The righteousness of Christ that we receive is ETERNAL not temporal as under the Old Covenant.  We only need cleansing from sin ONE TIME for our entire lives.

Isn't God good?  He put His Son right at the place where evil would come into your life:  On the North side.  THE CROSS HAS STOPPED IT!   
The answers to all your problems are found in the cross of Jesus Christ.  Any physical need, any financial need, any lack, worry or concern of any kind, the answer is always the cross!  Jesus took all of it upon Himself so that you and I could have His COMPLETE SHALOM:  wholeness in every area.  As He is, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD!

The East Side.
Next we come to the East side.
“And he shall pluck away his crop with his feathers, and cast it beside the altar on the EAST part, by THE PLACE OF THE ASHES:”
Leviticus 1:16 KJV

(Priest carrying ashes away.)

The East side of the bronze altar is the place of ASHES.  Once you are born again, you approach the Cross no longer from the North side but ever after from the East.  The East side of the bronze altar, being the place of ashes, reminds you that ALL YOUR SINS WERE REDUCED TO ASHES.  There is no more judgment for your sins because they have all been judged!   Jesus consumed in His body ALL the Father's wrath, ALL the indignation and ALL the righteous anger for all our sins on our behalf.  We all stand before God completely free of all sin because of the cross!  HALLELUJAH!!!

That is why David declared:
“May He (God) remember all your offerings, And accept (reduce to ashes) your burnt sacrifice. Selah. May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, And FULFILL ALL YOUR PURPOSE." Psalms 20:3-4

(King David wrote much of the Psalms. )

The word in Hebrew for "accept" in this verse is "deshen," which also means "fatness."  It is in the "ashes" that you find the "fatness."  The knowledge that all your sins, not just your past up to now, but all of them for your entire life gives you a clear conscience devoid of the fear of punishment.  NO MORE CONDEMNATION.  NO MORE SIN CONSCIOUSNESS.  

Therein is the FATNESS:  Knowing that you stand before God completely clean.  This was David's greatest dream which, because of the cross, is our reality! 

When the sun rises in the morning, what part of the altar would it illuminate first?  The East side!  That's how God sees your sins.  They have all been burned up to ASHES!  That's why He can fulfill all your purpose!

The South Side.
The prophet Ezekiel has something to say about this side of the altar.
Ezekiel 47:1-2 “Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was WATER, FLOWING from under the threshold of the temple TOWARD THE EAST, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, SOUTH of the altar. He brought me out by way of the north gate, and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east; and THERE WAS WATER, RUNNIGN OUT ON THE RIGHT SIDE."  

After Jesus died, the Roman soldier came to check and see if He was really dead.  He thrust a spear into His right side and there flowed out blood and water.  Water is a picture of the Holy Spirit. The mature Christian life can only be lived successfully when we are flowing in the Spirit. 

The Bronze Altar gives us clues as to how true flowing in the Spirit is accomplished.  First we come to Christ by the North side of the altar with our lamb that was slain in our place --the innocent for the guilty.  Then we come upon the East side to the place of ASHES where we come to understand the there therefore is no more condemnation.  We shed sin-consciousness here, or at least we're supposed to.  Then and only then can we proceed to the South side where we can truly be lead by the Holy Spirit.  

If you try to bypass the place of ashes and jump to "following the spirit" you will not succeed because you will still have sin on your consciousness and project that onto others.  You will see them through the lens of judgment because you lack the assurance that YOUR SINS have all been reduced to ASHES!

Here's an example of attributing things to "the leading of the Holy Spirit" that are, in fact, not Him at all:  
"The Holy Spirit in me is grieved over sister so-and-so because she wears too much makeup;" or that "brother (or sister) so and so is dressed so inappropriately."  
It's most likely the spirit of jealousy 'cause it sure ain't the Holy Spirit being "grieved."

(For more on this topic, follow this link:

If you are lead by sin consciousness or what Paul called "an evil heart," you will inadvertently  misrepresent God to other people.  You see sin in other people instead of ashes. Pastors pay particular attention to this.  


The West Side. 
What is on the West side of the altar?  The Mishkan; the Tabernacle.  The house of God where His people dwell together.   That is where we gather together as a people to worship.  Here is where the corporate anointing flows from God to His People as a body.  There is strength in numbers.  Sheep were made to dwell in flocks. We don't necessarily need to be doing "holy" things.  It is just good to be together and fellowship with others of like precious faith where there is mutual encouragement and strength.  

That's why Psalm 26 ends with this:
“I will wash my hands in innocence; So I will go about Your altar, O LORD, That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, And tell of all Your wondrous works. LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house, And the place where Your glory dwells......
My foot stands in an even place; In the congregations I will bless the LORD.”
Psalms 26:6-8, 12

That is what David meant by compassing the altar.  He went around all four sides of it in admiration of all it signified.  They really do tell of His marvelous works:  Of our salvation, of our sins being reduced to ashes, of the precious, sweet leading of the Holy Spirit and of the sweet company of believers in the house of God.  

What a wonderful Abba!  He loves us so much that He painted us a beautiful picture in the description of the Bronze Altar.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Wave And Heave Offerings

Exodus 29:26-27 NKJV
“26 Then you shall take the breast of the ram of Aaron’s consecration and wave it as a wave offering before the Lord ; and it shall be your portion.
27 And from the ram of the consecration you shall consecrate the breast of the wave offering which is WAVED, and the thigh of the HEAVE offering which is raised, of that which is for Aaron and of that which is for his sons."

Some of these Old Testament passages kinda leave you scratchin' your head don't they?  In particular this one about wave and heave offerings. What was all that waving and heaving about?  
The Holy Spirit, of course, is at it again, painting beautiful pictures of Jesus! 

When the people brought to the priests a peace offering, the priests got to eat the choicest parts, particularly the breast and the right thigh, of the offering presented.  It was their portion as given to them by the LORD.  They only had to wave or heave it before Him, then prepare it to be consumed by the priests.  
The Levites, of course, were the priestly tribe.  They were treated like royalty by God.  You see, eating meat was a luxury in those days.  The average Israelite ate barley, humus, rice, things like that.  The breast and the right thigh were their portion because they are choicest cuts.

Levites also lived in the best places, many of theie cities being on mountain tops.  5 of the 6 cities of refuge were located on mountains and were populated by the priestly tribe.  Anyone who committed manslaughter and was admitted into the city of refuge got royal treatment.  (For more on the cities of Refuge, follow this link:

The one who took refuge from with the Levites also ate what the Levites ate and got to wear what they wore:  Linen garments called "kettoneth."  What's a "kettoneth?"  Follow this link if you'd like to know more:

Beside being the choicest meat, why the breast and thigh?  Breast speaks of love while the thigh typifies strength.  These portions of the sacrifice belonged to both Aaron AND his sons.
Who is Aaron?  He was the high priest of ancient Israel and representative of our GREAT High priest, Jesus!  

Aaron, as you know, was called "high" priest.  Nowhere in the Old Testament do you find anyone being called "Great High Priest."  Only Jesus is ascribed that honor.  
Aaron’s sons were priests under him and typify all of us as priests--SONS--under Jesus.  They were of the Levitical order but, like Jesus, you and I are priests according to the order of Melchizedek. Ours is an eternal priesthood!

So, the breast {love} and thigh {strength} meat were the priestly portions.  They show us that feeding on Jesus' love FOR us and on His strength gives us strength.

Now picture this:  What motion do you make when you wave?  Side to side, right?
What motion do you make when you "heave"  something, as if to toss it up in the air?  It's an up and down motion.  Put both of those motions together and what are you drawing?  A CROSS!

Our priestly portion, Church, from which we derive strength is feeding on Jesus and focusing on His sacrifice on the cross!  He is our Wave and Heave offering!  

Saturday, March 19, 2016


REAL Story In The Stars: Part 4 of 9

John 10:17-18
“Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”

(Ancient planisphere.)

The Holy Spirit says in Genesis 1:14,  “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS AND SEASONS, and for days and years;"  

The picture above is called a "planisphere."  It's a pictorial view of the entire story.  Church, the stars and all the constellations have been, are now and ALWAYS WILL BE ALL ABOUT JESUS.  

Don't be afraid to learn about the story just because our enemy invented a perverted version called, "astrology."  I'd like to set the record straight and restore to the Church our Father's wonderful love letter TO US ABOUT HIS BELOVED SON. 

(Constellation Victíma stabbed in the heart by Centaurus. )

The constellation Victíma tells a very important part of this riviting tale.  It shows Jesus as both the OFFERING--the Victim--AND the OFFERER--the Centaur. 

Centaurus, which is part of the story of Victíma, actually belongs to the previous grouping of constellations, Virgo being the major one. It depicts Jesus' dual nature being part man, part horse.  Centaurs are said to have "no form or comeliness that we should desire them," reminiscent of Isaiah 53:2.  

(Centaurus directly above the Southern Cross.)

His spear is aimed right at Victíma's heart.
Directly below the Centaur is the Southern Cross in the picture above. 

Our enemy, the devil, as part of his plan to confuse things, got the Romans to rename Victíma to Lupus, meaning wolf.  That name is a bit more in line with his little agenda, meaning "astrology."  Then he got the Greeks to call it Thera, which means beast.  But the Latin name, Victíma, is drawn from the earliest and most accurate meaning of this star grouping and fits in with God's narrative.  His is the only one that matters anyway. 

If you're not familiar with the gospel in the stars or think it has something to do with astrology, let me set your mind at ease. IT DOESN'T; and, as I said, astrology is a perversion.  

Want to know more about the REAL story, how it begins and why the devil wanted to distort it?  Follow the link below:    

(Jesus preached the Gospel to Abraham by recounting the story in the stars.)

Why did God write the Gospel in the stars?  Because at one time, before we had the written word, that's how it was told; by telling the celestial narrative.  That's how Jesus preached the Gospel to Abraham as it says in Galatians 3:8--He recounted the story written in the night sky!
You can read a bit more about the aforementioned perversion of the gospel by following this link:
The story is kinda like a three-act play.  Act I reveals the story of the promised Messiah, The Champion Who would come and slay the great dragon, satan.  Act 2 continues the story detailing resurrection life received. It talks about Jesus' death and resurrection, goes into the birth of the Church and talks about the enemy that relentlessly tries to shipwreck her.
Act 3 finishes the story discussing the coming Kingdom and Judgment Established when Jesus returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!  
HALLELUJAH! What a day that will be! 

Here's the heart of the matter:  
The devil hates God because of what he was told in the Garden in Genesis 3.  We were made in God's image which is why ol' slimy hates us.  He hates the gospel story because believing it rescues us from his clutches.  

The reason he strikes at us is because he cannot strike at God directly so he does the next best thing:  Strikes at those whom God loves best:  US.  You see, if we still think he has power over us and over the earth, he can affect us and our families.  The REAL GOSPEL unmasks him and his evil plot.  
He also believed if he could prevent the coming of THE ONE, whoever it was, he could stop his own destruction and secure his position.  He's still at it, trying to thwart the second coming.  Yeah, like that's gonna work. That's why he wants destroy Israel thinking that will solve his problem.  Just as he UTTERLY FAILED to stop Jesus' birth, he won't succeed at his current plan.

In the constellation of Victíma we see an animal that has been slain. It is in the act of falling down in death having been slain by the spear belonging to Centaurus, which appears to have pierced it's heart.  

These twelve major Mazzarotte signs (Hebrew for Zodiac) each have three accompanying star clusters or "decans," as they are called. Each decan expands on the story of the Major constellation with which they are aligned.  In all, there are 48 constellations.

Why 12?  For the 12 tribes of Israel.  For example; Libra was the sign ascribed to Levi because they were charged with the balances of the sanctuary.  Leo, no surprise, represented Judah from whom the Lion of the tribe of Judah would come:  JESUS!   

(The twelve major signs.)

This narrative is a circular story so, in order to read it correctly, we must know where it begins.  It starts with the virgin, known by her Latin name, "Virgo," and ends with the Lion of the tribe of Judah, "Leo."
God actually protected this information by arranging to have a monument erected, in Egypt of all places, so we would know where it begins and where it ends.

If you'd like to know more about what He had built, follow the link below:

In this part we'll call Act 1, God tells us of the Promise of The Coming Messiah and how it would be fulfilled.  Just look at the names of each constellation as He begins to unfold the greatest story ever told!  Even the meanings of the ancient names of individual stars enhance and uphold the tale.
(Constellation Bo-ótes.)

The first major constellation is Virgo, the Virgin.  The other three associated with her story ars "Cōmá," which means The Desired; "Centaurus," The Centaur, depicting Jesus' dual nature; and "Boótës," which means The Coming One.  

Part 2 of Act l is comprised of Libra, the major sign:  The Scales (we were weighed in the scales and found wanting); Crux: The Southern Cross, Victíma:  The Victim--which we've been discussing--and Corona:  The Crown.

(The Southern Cross)

The Southern Cross, which today can only be seen when you are south of equator, in ancient timea was visible as far north as the British Isles!  
Why is it now not in the Northern Hemisphere?  Follow the link below to read that INCREDIBLE story!

Virgo-the virgin, in her earliest depictions has a male baby in her lap depicting Jesus Who would be born of a virgin.  She holds in her hands ears of corn and stalks of wheat, reminding us of John 12:24--"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain."


Coma-the Desired-is a woman seated with a male child standing on her lap, head slightly higher than hers.  It indicates that though she is the mother, the Child would be higher and therefore greater than her.

Centaurus-the centaur; half man, half horse, is poised directly over the Southern Cross which portrays Jesus' sacrificial death.  He is holding a spear pointed directly at an accompanying decan, "Victima," as I said, which belongs to the next group of constellations aligned with Libra.

Last of all is Boótés-the Coming One, who has a sickle in one hand and a shepherd's staff in the other.  You can see these constellations a bit clearer in the section of the planisphere below.

Together these constellations tell the story of the virgin birth of Jesus, that this "Desired One," (Cōma) would grow to maturity, having two complete natures (Centaurus) both God and man and be the One Who is offering up Himself as a willing sacrifice.  

He was also the Coming One (Bōótês) Who would die for the sins of the whole world, be the revealer of God to the whole world, full of grace and mercy, coming as Shepherd/Harvester--Boótés (bō-ótês), who has in His hand an upraised sickle.  With these implements He both protects the sheep of His flock and harvests many souls for the kingdom of God.

The next major Mazzarotte sign, Libra, is holding the scales in her hand.  Often borrowed to depict justice, she is a picture of us who have "been weighed in the scales and found wanting."  
Being bankrupt, poor, blind and naked, we owe a debt for our sin that we cannot pay.  One side of the scale is that which is lacking to pay our debt; the other speaks of the price which is covered.  In fact, it was OVERPAID!  HALLELUJAH!

The Southern Cross is the next decan followed by Victíma with a spear pointing directly at his heart, the selfless, willing sacrifice. 

What a beautiful and touching picture of our precious Savior Who is both the OFFERER of the sacrifice and the VICTIM.  He is slayer and slain, a willing victim Who died in our place to pay the debt against us who were unable to pay.

And finally, "Corona."  It appears as a crown in the night sky.  As the scripture says in Phillipians 2:9:  "Wherefore God hath highly exulted Him and given Him a Name which is above EVERY NAME, that at the Name of JESUS every knee should bow." 
...and Hebrews 2:9:  
"But we see Jesus, Who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, CROWNED WITH GLORY AND HONOR."

See what I mean?  Just like David wrote in Psalm 19:  The heavens really DO declare your glory, Lord!  Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power and might!!!  

Heartfelt thanks and endless praise to You, Jesus, for being our Victíma!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Knowledge That Passes Knowing?

Ephesians 3:14-19
“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

"To know the love of Christ that passes knowledge."  How can you know something that passes knowing?  Can you say "oxymoron?"  Sure sounds like a contradiction of terms.

What is the Holy Spirit trying to tell us?  We're going have to go look at the Greek text to find out. 
There are two different words for knowledge used in this passage.  The first, "ginóskó," means "to know, especially through personal experience (first-hand acquaintance)."  This is natural knowledge or moral wisdom that all of us have. 


The second is "gnósis."  Although the two words are obviously related, the second one means, "application-knowledge," gained in (by) a direct relationship."   
You see, God doesn't want us to simply have knowledge "ABOUT HIS SON."  He doesn't want us to have religious knowledge of Jesus.  He wants us to "KNOW HIS SON," in a personal way.  

The love of Christ encompasses the whole world yet He knows and loves YOU AND ME personally!  His love came "DOWN" to show us the "DEPTH" of His love so He could bring us to the "HEIGHTS" of heaven.  God SO LOVED the world, not just Israel.  That is the "WIDTH" of His love! 

He died for all of us.  You and I, Church, are the object of His love.  GOD IS IN LOVE WITH YOU!
He wants us to be with Him.  
You are not people who have failed God.  You are His beloved!

Let's face it:  We all fall short of the glory of God.  But because of what Jesus did, we stand before Him in the righteousness of His Son with the full rights of sonship. 
You don't have to do something to prove your love for Him so that He will accept you.  That's not the God of the Bible.  NO!  He loved you when you were DEAD in your trespasses and sins.  We need the Holy Spirit to help us understand it.

This is the truth:  You are the one whom Jesus loves!  It may not make any sense; nevertheless, it is the Knowledge that passes knowing.