Sunday, July 6, 2014

The First And The Last [את]

Genesis 1:1
1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

This is the first sentence of the entire Bible which, I'm pretty sure, everybody knows.  In English it doesn't seem to say too much but in Hebrew it speaks VOLUMES!
Below is a screen shot of Genesis 1:1 from Strong's Interlinear Online.

See the middle word, "et?"  It is untranslated wherever it appears by itself, which is a total of 22 times in the Hebrew scriptures, the exact number of letters in their alphabet.  

Though 10 words in English, it is only 7 words in Hebrew.  The are 28 letters in all as well as other multiples of 7.  Seven, "shevah" in Hebrew, is the number of completeness in biblical numerics. It also means "promise or oath."
(For more on this topic, follow this link:

The untranslated word, "et," is spelled using the first and last letters of the aleph-bet, pictured below.  These two are the most significant letters in the entire Bible because of Who they represent. But before we get to that, here is some important background information.

#1.  Hebrew reads from right to left and is a form of picture of writing, like Chinese. Each letter also has a corresponding number, color and musical note associated with it.  These are very consistent. 

#2.  The Name of God in this verse is Elohim: [אלוהים], which means "Creator God."  In Hebrew,  when you want to make any word plural, you add "im: [ים]" at the end.  It's like our letter "s."  The "et" tells you which person of the trinity created all things, namely Elohim-et. 

#3.  There are 7 words in this verse so it qualfies as what the rabbis call a "menorah verse," a phenomenon of which they are well aware. 

A menorah verse is one which contains seven words.  The Menorah has 7 branches. Place all 7 words above the menorah, one word over each branch as in the picture below, and the most important word or concept will be directly over the Shemesh, or center lamp.

The word, et- [את], is directly over the Shemesh.  Shemesh means "center" or "SERVANT LAMP."  It is lighted first, then used to light the other lamps, hencephalitis the serving function.  It is removable.  

It's a picture of our Lord Jesus!  He said in Mark 10:45,  "...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
We didn't come to Him; He came to each one as the Light of the world.  He gave His life for us.  He saved us! We now carry His light in us and shine out to a dark and lost world.

In the Hebrew text, this two-letter middle word is always untranslated, as I said earlier, but because it is over the "Shemesh," or center lamp, God is pointing out that it has special significance.  Pay close attention.

Reading from right to left, the FIRST letter is [א] aleph.  You can see it's the first letter of the Hebrew aleph-bet.  It means "ox or sacrifice." That's Jesus!  
The second letter, [ת] tav, is the LAST letter Of The aleph-bet.  It is a picture of the "cross."

Come with me now to the very last book of the Bible, Revelation.  In the very first chapter it says in verses 11-14 (YLT) "I am the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the FIRST and the LAST;' and, `What thou dost see, write in a scroll, and send to the seven assemblies that [are] in Asia; to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.'
12 And I did turn to see the voice that did speak with me, and having turned, I saw SEVEN GOLDEN LAMP-STANDS, 13 and in the MIDST {the middle branch} of the seven lamp-stands, [One] like to a son of man, (Jesus) clothed to the foot,and girt round at the breast with a gold girdle, "

The ONE in the "midst-middle" of the seven golden lamps is our Lord Jesus.

Notice the words "GOLDEN BAND" girded about Him?  It is showing us the He is ETERNALLY A SERVANT TO US."

More than 400 years before Jesus was born, a group of Jewish rabbis got together and translated the Hebrew scriptures into Greek, which was fast becoming the language of commerce, like English is today.  That's how our New Testament came to be written in Greek.  This verse, of course, is RECORDED in Greek as "ALPHA and OMEGA."  Alpha and omega are the FIRST and LAST letters of the Greek alphabet.  But Jesus was speaking John on the island of Patmos.  He would not have spoken to a fellow Jewish person in Greek.  He would have been speaking either Hebrew or Aramaic.  His actual words would not have been "I am alpha and omega."  He would have actually said "I Am ALEPH and TAV." {את} 


He is the FIRST;
He is the LAST;
He is the CENTER.
He is the BEGINNING, the END.
EVERYTHING works well only when it revolves around Him.

Just as a wheel would wobble and be unsteady if the pivotal pin is off-center, so we are off balance unless Jesus is our center, our ALEPH TAV!

 [את] aleph-tav = JESUS' SIGNATURE!

Jesus really is the FIRST and the LAST.

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