Sunday, July 13, 2014

God's Word IS Health!

Proverbs 4:20-22
20 "My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;  Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them, And health {marpé} to all their flesh {basa-arow}."

If you go to the doctor in Israel, like anywhere else in the world, he will give you medicine for what ails you.  "Marpé," in Hebrew, is their word for "medicine." It actually means "health."

 Hebrew reads from right to left and is a form of picture writing, like Chinese.  The word pictures tell us a story and something you'd never find in any definition. They also give us a window on God's perspective.
This is the Hebrew spelling for "health:      


[מ]  mem=flowing water; It is also a picture of spirits in general but, most often, the Holy Spirit.
[ר] resh=head/think/meditate
[פ] pei=mouth/speak
[א] aleph=ox/sacrifice/leader, referring to Jesus.

The word pictures say:
"Meditate on and speak about the Sacrifice (of Jesus) with the help of the Holy Spirit."

That is what produces "health."  We need to see all our sicknesses and infirmities as cursed at the cross, FULLY paid for by Jesus' sacrifice, see them as taken away from us and laid on Jesus.  His death was actually an OVERPAYMENT! 

Healing is NOT a promise, however, as you may have heard. IT IS FAR MORE.  It is a blood-bought right of the blood-bought congregation!  The word of God is "marpé" to your "flesh:  ba-asa-arow," in Hebrew.  This word refers to your "physical body."  
There are other secrets hidden in the text as well.  The Jewish rabbis for centuries have been aware of phenomenons such as the Bible Code and something called "a menorah verse," such as the one below.

Proverbs 4:22a
22 "For they are life TO THOSE WHO FIND THEM life to those who find them."

This may sound a little strange to some but it wasn't a Gentile who made this up.  Jewish Rabbis, who don't believe in Jesus, discovered the phenomenon.  We should probably believe them.  

What is their purpose?  You can ascertain what word or concept is most important to God in these seven-word verses by using the menorah.  Place all seven words of a given menorah verse, one word above each lamp, and the middle one will be the most important.

Why the middle? Besides being the central focus, all of the six lamps-- three on each side--point toward the center lamp, called the "shemesh or servant lamp."  It is removable, is always lighted first, then used to light all the others. It's a picture of Jesus, our eternal servant Who must always be the center!  Everything in scripture is pointing to Him!

The word below is the central word of this verse in Proverbs: "lə·mō·ṣə·’ê·hem," and it means:
"Unto those that find them."
It looks like this in Hebrew:


Now, not every seven-word verse is a menorah verse but those that are have something hidden for us to find.

This particular menorah verse is a very unique.  It is a menorah within a menorah!  There are seven words in the verse itself and seven letters in the middle word. The middle letter of this middle word in the MOST IMPORTANT. It is the letter " [א]-ALEPH which means "SACRIFICE!"  It points to Jesus' sacrifice as being THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF ALL TIME!

What words of God should we focus on if we want health and long life?  Those that focus on Jesus' sacrifice and His finished work.  Where can they be found?
Look closely at the picture above.  Can you see that each of the letters in the pictured verse above has a number by each one from 1-27?  That tells us where to find the words of life which tell about Jesus' sacrifice:

One day soon, the rapture will take place.  Every Christian will be gone from the face of the earth.  Who will be left behind to preach the Gospel?  NO ONE.  
But Abba will raise 144,000 Jewish evangelists after we disappear.  He will enlighten them with the truth about Jesus and they will find this menorah verse that He has left here.  It will be glaring evidence that Jesus was their Messiah and the New Testament is where they'll find the words of the RISEN, GLORIFIED CHRIST!  They will take the Gospel to the whole world and many more will be saved during the time of the greatest troubles to strike planet earth:  THE GREAT TRIBULATION.

Life will be very difficult indeed for believers during this time but Jesus will have the final victory!!!
They will be living proof that God's Word really IS Health!

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