Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Ephes Dammim: The Boundary Of The Blood

1 Samuel 17:45-47
45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear; FOR THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands.”

The Bible is all about ONE person: our Lord Jesus.  From Genesis to Revelation, over and over, in various offices, in types, and stories, there are snapshots of Him, His Jewish brethren and US, The Church hidden in the shadows.  These stories are like visual aids to teach us more about Him.  Names, numbers, words and even individual letters in the Hebrew language  have meaning.

The Holy Spirit loves to hide these beautiful pictures in stories. Many times, there is a story within a story within a story. It's a multi-layered treasure house from the Parshah--the surface--to the Sod--the lowest layer.

David And Goliath 
God loves us so much!  He wants to defeat wrong mentalities in our lives because He knows as a man thinks in his heart, SO IS HE.  Our Father shows us how in this account of David and Goliath.  The story is found in 1 Samuel 17:1-12.

The Philistines and the Israelites were facing each other on opposing hills on either side of the Valley of Elah as this story opens.

1 "Now the Philistines gathered their armies together to battle, and were gathered at Sochoh, which belongs to Judah; they encamped between Socoh and Azekah, in Ephes Dammim....."

Here is a picture of the valley as it exists today:

The word in Hebrew for blood is "dam."  When they want to make the word plural, they add the letters "im" on the end which is like our letter "s" in English.
"Dammim" is the plural of the word "blood," in Hebrew, literally "bloods."  In order to portray a violent death or a very bloody affair, like in the account of this battle, they use the plural of the word.  So Ephes Dammim means "the boundary of the bloods"-plural.

Is there anything more efficacious than the blood of our Lord Jesus?  NO!  

Be advised, Church:  There is a boundary of the blood of Jesus that the devil CANNOT CROSS.  It protects you and I,  our families, our homes and our earth from ALL his attacks.

Here's how he attacks:  
He tries to call you out by using his so-called weapons and webs of deceit in an attempt to trick YOU into coming down from YOUR HIGH POSITION SEATED NEXT TO JESUS.  His plan is to get you to cross over your protective boundary, out of your place of protection into the area of defeat.

He whispers things like:
Oh, wow! You really screwed up again!
You are totally out of control.
What a terrible parent you are.
Call yourself a Christian acting like that?
You know, so and so reads their Bible for two hours EVERY day.  You only read fifteen minutes; and you didn't even take time to pray!  Shame, shame, shame!....and you didn't take time for your Bible study lesson, either.
What's the use of even trying?  Evil is too strong.  There's no hope.

And my favorite.........You never do anything right!"

Instead of actually saying, "You" are this or that however, he substitutes the personal pronoun, "I:"  "I am a terrible parent, person or Christian," making you think you though it up.

YUK!  On and on he drones; negative, destructive, self-condemning thoughts.  It never ends.  
Don't listen to him.  HE IS LYING.

But, in order for him to win, you have to listen, believe and buy into his lies.

News flash:

Confess God's word instead and His angels, who also can't read your mind, will do your bidding.  They respond to the spoken word of God and work FOR us!

(For more on angelic protection follow this link:

We have to actually come down from our high place seated next to Jesus way down into the valley; down to defeat.  That is how we "fall" from grace. We "fall" because we come DOWN from our high place DOWN to the LOWER place; DOWN into the VALLEY of fear and defeat.

Elah, in Hebrew, means "awesome, fearful One," from the root word for. fear.
Goliath--a typology of the devil--tries to get you down into the valley of fear.  This falling from grace does not mean you lose your salvation.  NO WAY. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.  
It simply means you voluntarily come "DOWN" from your high place, seated with Jesus (grace personified), to the "lower" place; to the valley of fear, i.e. the law."

Each army was on a mountain on either side of the valley of Elah. A champion from the Philistines went out from the camp.  He was the giant, GOLIATH, whose name means "stripped, exile."  He is a typology of THE enemy--the devil-- that Jesus has stripped and exiled!
He hailed from the town of Gath which, by the way, means "winepress."  It says in Rev.19:15 that "Jesus Himself treads out the WINEPRESS of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." "Having stripped principalities and powers; He spoiled them!.......

In those days after a battle, the defeated commander was very publicly stripped of everything in front of all his men and humiliated. The winning commander used the defeated one as his foot stool in front of all the people and the captured army. It demonstrates to all present that all power and authority has been transferred into the hands of the conqueror.

So the devil is a "stripped exile because of the wrath of God." When he {satan} comes against you, that's how he wants to make you feel; like you have nothing, you are nothing, and God is angry with you.  
He will never remind you that you're wearing the robe of righteousness.
He will never tell you God loves you.
He will never remind you that you are God's beloved.
He tells you a pack of lies like the ones above.


You are NOT under God's wrath.
You are NOT an exile.
You are NOT an orphan.
You are NOT on God's naughty list.
God is not angry at you.  In fact, He's not even mildly disappointed.


So, whenever you hear any preaching or teaching that makes you feel like you have not quite arrived, have not measured up to some standard, in other words, has you looking at you instead of at Jesus, you have just heard the booming voice of Goliath in your ears.

I say again:  DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM.

Stay right where you already are:  Safe with Jesus, THE GREATER DAVID, whose name means "Beloved."  Stay safe on THIS SIDE of the Ephes Dammin.

Epilogue:  David took Goliath's severed head back to Jerusalem and did something very interesting with it.  Follow this link for the rest of the story:

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