Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Great War

REAL Story In The Stars: Part 6 of 9

Psalm 17:6-9
"6 I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God;
Incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech.
7 Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand,
O You who save those who trust in You
From those who rise up against them.
8 Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings,
9 From the wicked who oppress me,
From my deadly enemies who surround me."

(Constellation Scorpio)

Jesus, without a doubt, fought THE GREATEST WAR OF ALL TIME for you and me.  

Incredibly, the awesome of what He did for us is written in the stars.  His Father BLASTED THE STORY all over the night sky.  He's the One, after all, Who created and set them in the sky.  He even orchestrates--PRESENT TENSE--their movements as the story unfolds!
The constellation of Scorpio tells a part of this amazing celestial narrative. 

God's orchestration of celestal movements is on-going.  This is particularly evident in the articles below about the "The Southern Cross," and "The North Star."  Follow these links if you'd like to know more:

According to Genesis 1:14, the stars not only mark the passage of time and the passing of the seasons but are set in place for for signs; for portents of future events.  First and foremost they tell the story of Jesus.  But they also tell of events pertaining to Israel and the Church.

These signs are arranged in 12 major constellations.  Each of them has three accompanying star groupings or minor constellations called "decans." These decans expand upon the story of the major sign with which which they are aligned.  In all, there are 48 constellations.

In the first two Mazzarotte, which is Hebrew for Zodiak, God begins to tell the wonderful story of Jesus.  His Darling Son would be born of a Virgin and, being found in fashion as a man, would humble Himself to suffer THE WORST form of death ever devised:  The cross.  He would bear the sins of the whole world and pay...or rather OVERPAY...the sin  debt owed by every male and female who ever lived or will live.  Our Jesus paid a debt He did not owe for us, who owed a debt we could not pay.

Our Father wrote this beautiful love letter in the sky to us. However, it has nothing whatever to do with the perversion invented by the devil; you know, astrology.  Ol' slimy can't create anything but he sure perverts and distorts what God has already made very well. 

I hope it goes without saying that Christians have NO business dabbling in horoscopes, prognostication, Kabbalah or any similar deception.  Our enemy invented all of them to keep man from knowing the gospel story and telling it to others.  You see, back when there was no written word, they passed down the gospel story by recounting it in the stars from father to son, generation upon generation so that they could know the truth.

Just like Abraham to whom Jesus preached the gospel in the stars, those who lived before the cross could be counted righteous too by believing the same gospel story we do!  The difference is, they looked forward to Jesus' finished work; we look back to it.  
Their sins were only covered temporarily of course; ours are cleansed for ETERNITY.  They had to apply the blood of bulls and goats to the mercy seat annually; we apply the Perfect Blood of the Perfect Sacrifice ONCE FOREVER!

Today we are blessed to have God's written word and don't need to rely on the stars to tell us of His amazing love. Now do you see how serious it was that our enemy tried to pervert it?  That's why God confused the language of the peoples involved in the Tower of Babel. 
(If you'd like to know the whole story, follow the link below:

I think the church has been robbed of this beautiful love letter; this story of Jesus, our AWESOME Lord and Savior and of His selfless sacrifice for us as God wrote it in the night sky.
I'd like to set the record straight.

It is a circular story so, in order to read it correctly, you must know where to begin.  It starts with the virgin, known by her Latin name, "Virgo."  That would mean it ends with Leo, The Lion of the tribe of Judah. 

Did you know that God arranged to have a monument erected to act as a signpost so man would know where the real story begins and ends?  If you'd like to know what He had built, follow this link:

This story is kind of like a three-act play with many scenes and players that tell the greatest story ever told.  It's both exciting and humbling at the same time to understand just how much we are loved by our Daddy! To get even the merest inkling of the terrible price Jesus paid for us, for me, WILLINGLY, fills me with awe!

The Mazzarotte sign that I'd like to share about is the one the Greeks called "Scorpio."   As this Major sign and it's decans tell us, Jesus was indeed surrounded by deadly enemies which He SOUNDLY defeated!!!  "Scorpio," the scorpion, is "scene three of act one," as it were.  It introduces the enemy--satan--for the first time and explains more of the nature of The Great War.  

I think it's quite amazing that all the ancient names for the stars in this Constellation and it's decans that have been preserved to this day all lend in the description of this greatest of all conflicts. To the Hebrews it was known as "Akrab," which means "scorpion" but also "the conflict," or "war."  The word David uses in Psalm 17:9 where he blesses God for teaching his hands to "war," comes from the same root word, which means, " to cleave in conflict or battle."
In Arabic this sign was known as "Al Akrab," which means "wounding Him Who cometh."  
It's Coptic name, "Isidis," means "Attack of the enemy."
Different cultures, different languages yet all tell the same story!

Though all scorpions are not deadly as modern science has discovered, I think we would agree that they are frightening all the same and considered a deadly enemy.  Pretty good description of satan if you ask me!

Every single one of the various names of this constellation and it's stars from various cultures in diverse places all seem to relate the exact same story:  That of a great conflict with a deadly enemy where wounds are inflicted.  

Even the ancient names of the individual stars in each constellation enhance the tale. Though many have been lost, the ones remaining are enough to let us know that this story wasn't contrived by some crackpot story teller of old.  THIS IS REAL.....and it didn't happen in a corner.  That is why "all are without excuse."  

The heavens really do DECLARE HIS GLORY!  (Psalm 19)

(Cor Scorpio: Antares
The heart of the Scorpion)

"Antares," the brightest star in the upper torso of the creature, means, "the wounding," in Arabic. It's Latin name, "Cor Scorpio," means "heart of the scorpion." Amazingly, it is a DEEP RED COLOR!  {See picture} Isn't that cool?

Then, in the tail of the creature or more precisely, the stinger, which is poised to strike at the foot or heel of the strong man, Orciuchus, coming toward him.  He is wrestling with a huge serpent, attempting to control him.  The star in the stinger is called, "Lesath," which in Hebrew means "the perverse." Apt description!

This portion of the story is the embodiment of the passage in Genesis 3 where God says He will put enmity between his (the serpent) seed and the Seed of the woman. The heel of the offspring of the woman will be bruised but the serpent will suffer significantly more damage:  HIS HEAD WILL BE CRUSHED!

....and that was a promise Jesus kept when the devil was UTTERLY DEFEATED.  Jesus fought with the great dragon and defeated him in THE GREAT WAR!

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