Tuesday, January 24, 2017


John 11:1-4
"Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.”
When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

The story of Lazarus is one of the most famous of all Jesus' miracles, and it is recorded in only one place:  Right here in the Gospel of John.
The NON-Synoptic Gospel.
His gospel is quite unlike the other three.  Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the "Synoptic Gospels."  "Syn" means "together;" optic means "to see."  They are "seen together."      
Not only that but, though are things that are unique to each of the four gospels, 95% of John is not recorded anywhere else.  By comparison, 95% of the things recorded in Mark, for instance, are found in the other three.  Why?
This is another whole subject in and of itself which we're not going to discuss at length here.  Anyone wanting to know more, please follow the link below:
Suffice it to say that John, more than all the others, is the gospel of grace.  In fact, the name, "John," means "the grace of God! "

Jesus Tarried
Isn't kind of strange that Jesus didn't run right over to Bethany when He first heard Lazarus was sick?  In fact, He stayed where He was for two more days and then went to his (Lazarus') house.  It's like He was waiting for him to die.
So where was He?  Back up a few verses to the end of the previous chapter and you'll see.  He had traveled to the **other side of the Jordan River at the place where John was first baptizing.  That's the exact same location where Jesus Himself was baptized and the Holy Spirit given to Him without measure.  
By the time Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus, His very dear friend, was not only dead...he had been dead and buried for four days! 
Why did He tarry?
(**Remember this for later.)
Hidden in this story is another one that has NOTHING to do with Lazarus at all.  It's both a timeline and prophetic of the end times.  
Miracles Are Signs.
In the 2nd chapter of John, he says in verse 11 that "This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory;"
He was referring here to the miracle of turning water into wine.  But notice, he didn't call it "a miracle."  He called it "A sign."  That means ALL of the miracles recorded in John are signs, meaning they "signify" a deeper meaning, a spiritual truth and/or something prophetic.  They weren't recorded simply because Jesus did these wonderful miracles. These were hand picked by Holy Spirit, Who has something important for us to study and find.  
So, we're going to find out what that is.

3 Resurrection Miracles.
How very interesting that there were three miracles recorded for us where Jesus raised people from the dead.  Three happens to be the number of resurrection in Biblical numerics.
(For more on the meaning of numbers in the Bible, follow this link:
It is also no coincidence that the three: Lazarus, Jairus' 12-year-old daughter, and the widow of Nain's son, are ONLY in John. 
Many naysayers and leaders of the Jews, who were skeptical of Jesus, could possible explain away the widow's son and Jairus daughter because they had been dead for a short time.  But Lazarus had dead and buried for four days!  It could be nothing short of a miracle, which really made them angry.
Jesus wasn't worried at all about Lazarus, you notice.  We know that because of what He said in John 11:4.  He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
So why did He weep if He knew He was going to raise him from the dead?
Because death is an enemy.  God never meant for man to get sick or suffer or die.  It was sin that brought all that into the human race.  Death is an enemy.

Multi-Layered Storehouse.
There are wonderful hidden nuggets in this story in additionto the surface story of Jesus' love for Lazarus and his family.  Some are found in the meanings of Hebrew names and some are in the numbers recorded here.
Lazarus' name means, "Helped."  Apt description!  He was most certainly "helped!"  But the three of them are a picture and story of something else entirely.
The Bible is a multi-layered storehouse full of hidden treasure.  There are many applications and lessons to learn.  The Bible is unique in that it can speak to the reader in different ways at different times.  No other book on the planet can do that!
Four Layers Of Bible Study. 
According to the Jewish Rabbis, there are four levels of Bible study.  #1:  The first level is called “P’shat” (pronounced peh-shaht’).  It means “simple.”  #2:  The next level of study is called,“Remez”  (pronounced reh-mez’) meaning “hint," where there is another or "implied" meaning.  #3: D’rash ( pronounced “deh-rash) is also called “Midrash.” This layer uses scripture to interpret itself.  
#4:  The 4th layer of Bible study is called the “Sod”  (pronounced "sewd or sood".)  It Means “hidden."  In this layer of Bible study are found the hidden, secret or mystic meanings of the text.
(For a more in-dept study of this topic and an excellent example of the "Sod" layer, follow this link:
It is this layer I'd like to explore.
The Sod Layer.
In the "Sod" layer is found another of God's wonderful timelines, a depiction of Israel, and a description of the end-time Church.  Thsee are all coming to pass now.

Shepherds Who Will Feed My Flock. 
You may (or may not) know that there is a revival of epic proportions sweeping across the globe like, so much holy fire.  There are reports of miracles, people being set free from addictions and bondages, physical healings of all kinds, marriages and relationships being restored and people falling head over heels in love with Jesus.   
Just as He promised, in these last days, God has also sent shepherds who will feed the flock, not beat them with the law.   (See Jeremiah 23:5-6)
In America, we have just seen this happen in the 2016 elelction. Amazingly, our new President's speech sounds an awful lot like the firsts few verses in Ezekiel 34! 

A Little History.
In that garden of long ago when man fell, the human race came under God's judgment. Unless His covenant people offered the right sacrifices, they were doomed.  Before Jesus shed His blood, those sacrifices reminded God of His Son and the work He would do at the cross.  
But in the fullness of time, He sent Jesus into the world to redeem us.  He offered one sacrifice for all time and SAT DOWN.  
A Good Beginning Until.....
The Church was born on the day of Pentecost and off to a great start. But, as you know, it didn't take too long for the law to creep back in by stealth, putting believers back under bondage.  
Just like Israel and the Old Testament saints, the curse began operating in believers' lives who were trying to work to be acceptable to God. This is the subject of the entire book of Galatians.
For centuries, the Church has been hobbled by the mixing of Law and grace, unintentionally you understand.  Pastors were simply trying to lead their people in the only way they knew how.  Unfortunately, law was a big part of that and became something which kept her from being an even greater force for good.  

The End Times. 
But in these last days, just prior to Jesus' return, which He is delaying, the gospel has made a world-wide resurgence!  It is sweeping across the globe like so much holy fire!  
Jesus has "tarried" on the "other side of the Jordan" (in Heaven) for "two days."  As you know, a day to God is "AS" a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.  By that reckoning, Jesus has been gone "two days."  
With the dawn of the 21st century, we have just crossed over into the 3rd day, as God counts time.  In fact, it is VERY EARLY in the morning on the 3rd day.  Jesus will call for us very soon and we'll be with Him for ever.....RAPTURED!

Bondage To The Law. 
The Church is right now in the process of being brought out of bondage to the law, depicted by the tomb of Lazarus.  Mary, Martha and the friends there with them depict the Church who are not under law.  They were commanded by Jesus to remove the "stone" (the law)  from the entrance to the tomb and remove the grave clothes that had him bound.  They depict those from who's faces the "veil" (legalistic thinking) has already been removed. 
Lazarus represents the people IN the Church who are still bound by the law.  They are born again, yet they are still bound by their "grave clothes."  The people who are free from the "Law" are the ones removing the stone from their lives and the grave clothes with which they are bound.  By removing the "veil from their faces," their eyes can now see the truth of the real gospel.  They are been set free.....and you and I are the unbound helping the bound ones.  We are the new preachers of the gospel of Grace, priests and kings after the order of Melchizedek!
Natural Israel.
This story is also a picture of Natural Israel.
For 2,000 years, Jesus has been working among the Gentiles.  That's why He was on the "Other side of the Jordan."  That's what He was doing for those "two days: 2,000 years."
But He has turned back, crossed over the Jordan and is working among His people again.  More Jewish people are finding their Messiah than ever before in history.   return to His people.  Many today already know Him as Messiah, but many do not.    

One day soon, those of us who know Jesus, along with our Jewish Christian brethren, will be raptured out of this world to be forever with our Jesus.  When we return with Him in His second coming, all Israel will be saved in one day.  They will have their grave clothes and veil removed.
HALLELUJAH!  Thank God that in these last days, the Church is coming into her own.  Many of her people are hearing the voice of Jesus Who says "Lazarus!  Come forth!!!"

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