Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ephraim And The House of Judah: Part 3 of 9.

Part 3:  The Blessing of Abraham.
Genesis 12:1-3
Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I WILL BLESS YOU AND MAKE YOUR NAME GREAT; And you shall be a BLESSING. I will BLESS those who BLESS you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be BLESSED.”

You saw in parts one and two how Joseph’s life story shows us wonderful things about Jesus.  We learned about his two sons, Ehraim and Manasseh, and how they depict the Church.  We also learned that, as spiritual Israel and adopted sons, we also have on us the blessing of Abraham, just like our Jewish brethren.
What is it and what does it entail?  That is our topic of discussion in this portion.
It’s plain to see that Jews around the world have the blessing of Abraham and are enjoying great MATERIAL BLESSINGS from God.  Though a minority race, they have won more noble prizes than all other races combined.  They have blessed the whole world with more of their creative, inspired ideas than all others combined.  Practically every great invention, innovation, medical breakthrough and discovery of our modern era has a Jewish person either at the forefront of it or somehow involved.  They are in every successful endeavor be it science, music, art, movies, you name it.  AMAZING!  All because of the blessing of Abraham.  
And yet, they don’t have the full blessing; only part of it.

The covenant God made with Abraham, unlike the big Ten, was UNCONDITIONAL. It was entirely based on grace and is still in effect today.
You and I, Church, as spiritual Israel, are also included in THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM.  It’s true: We are enjoying Jewish blessings today.  Everything we have, like our Bible, came via the Jews.  This culture of the blessing of the first born came via the Jews.  All the prophets and heroes of faith that we admire in the Bible are all Jewish.  Of course, the greatest hero of all, the One Who gave His life for us:  Our JESUS, He is Jewish!

Now do you understand why satan hates them?  The ONE Who crushed his head CAME AS A JEW.  That’s why he tried to get his buddy, Hitler, to wipe them off the face of the.  Sadly, he succeeded in killing 6 million of them.  There can be no other explanation for his heinous crime but that he was demon possessed.  Why else destroy 6 million people?

They have suffered for 2,000 years because, though they are God’s people and beloved for the Father’s sake, they are enemies for the gospel’s sake because they rejected Jesus, their covering.  He is the only One Who could have protected them, but they refused his help; and He is a great respector of your free will.    

(Jesus weeping over Jerusalem.)

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He wept so vehemently because His heart was literally breaking!  He saw their future.  He saw their temple being destroyed in 70 A.D.  He saw 2,000 years of suffering and persecution.  He saw the Holocaust.
How He wished He could have gathered them under His wings like a mother hen gathers her chicks TO PROTECT THEM, but  they didn’t want Him.  Their leaders even went so far as to tell Pilate, “His blood be on us and on our children.”   BIG MISTAKE.  They should never have said that.  It wasn’t meant in a blessing way.  You see, Jesus’ death was for all of us; but you must be on the right side of the death.  Otherwise, you are guilty of the blood of the Lord.  That’s why, though they are God’s people, they are still suffering.
But in these last days, it is starting to change!

Question:  If the Church is under the Abrahamic covenant, why are more Christians today not enjoying the full blessing?  Because they are trying to earn it by law. They are either putting conditions on themselves or preachers have put conditions on them.  They are, in fact, too busy falling from grace, trying to merit God’s blessings by their works when it is a free gift received by faith.
Paul plainly says all throughout the book of Galatians that the Law IS NOT OF FAITH.

Please continue to part 4 where we’ll discuss prophesies more than 2,500 years old that concern our times:

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