Monday, August 29, 2016

A VERY Special Baby: Christmas Series Part 4

Exodus 13:11
“And it shall be, when the Lord brings you into the land of the Canaanites, as He swore to you and your fathers, and gives it to you, 12 that you shall set apart to the Lord all that open the womb, that is, every firstborn that comes from an animal which you have; the males shall be the Lord’s."

(Simeon holds baby Jesus."

When Jesus was about one month old, Mary and Joseph, as required by law, took Him to the temple to be dedicated. An old man named Simeon was there.  Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, he was there at the temple that very same day.  God was keeping His promise this faithful man of God that he would not die until he got to see Jesus. He had waited many years for this promise to come true.

Secrets In The Hebrew Language.
"Simeon," in Hebrew, comes from the root word "shema," which means "hear." Ask any of your Jewish friends about the "Shema" and they will tell you it encompasses the whole law.  It is a summation of this one verse from Deuteronomy 6:3:  "Shema Israel: Yahweh Elohenu, Yahweh Echad." "Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God is One LORD."  They will not speak the word, "Yahweh," the Tetragrammaton, but instead substitute the word, "Adonai," however.

Simeon is a type of the law, the Old Covenant, that was passing away. When he saw Jesus, he took the baby in his arms and said, "Lord, now You are letting your servant depart in peace." He had seen God's "salvation;" God's "Y'Shua-Jesus!". Simeon, a typology of the Law (Shemá), was happy to "go away" because JESUS--GRACE was coming into the world!  The Holy Spirit is showing us that the law was being replaced by grace! HALLELUIA!!!

At the same time, there was a prophetess named "Anna, "who had been day and night in the temple, fasting, praying and pointing people to Jesus.  Her name is a short form of the name"Channanaiah," which means, "God's grace."

Luke 2:36-38 (KJV) 36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of *Phanuel,* of the tribe of ASHER: she was of a GREAT AGE, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; 37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. 38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem."

(Prophetess Anna.)

Did you catch that?  The INSTANT Simeon left, she appeared!  
She was the daughter of "Phanuel."  Phanu means "face."  "El" is an abbreviated form of God's Name, "Elohim/Creator."  "Hannaiah haPhanuel," means Anna was "Grace from the face of God!"  

Remember what Proverbs tells us?  "A merry heart doeth good, like medicine."  In the presence of God, there is true happiness, well-being and LONG LIFE."  Here she was at the age of 84, still strong, still preaching away, pointing people to Jesus! What a gal!  
As soon as "Shema" departed, she came in to see the baby. Isn't God good?  He wanted us to know for sure that  the Law was leaving because Grace was coming!  

Here's something else in this passage.  She was 84 years of age, it says.  That is a very interesting number.  Numbers in the Bible have meanings.  The rabbis call this phenomenon, "Gematria."  (For more on this topic, follow this link:

You see, Hebrew uses the letters of the alphabet for numbers, unlike Western cultures. What does the number 84 tell us? 
If you remember your times tables from grade school, you know that 84 is 7x12.  7 is the number of perfection or completion.  7 is "shevah," in Hebrew, which means "promise or oath."  12 is the number of government. 7x12=84 therefore 84=PERFECT GOVERNMENT.  GRACE...not law...IS PERFECT GOVERNMENT!!!

As the passage indicates, all these many years, Anna had been preaching in the Temple, dishing out "Royal Dainties."  What are "Royal Dainties?"  This whole scene was foretold by Jacob in his blessing over his son, Asher, way back in Genesis 49:20, when he prophesied over his son, Asher,
"Bread from Asher shall be rich, And he shall yield "royal dainties."

Anna was feeding people the Bread of Heaven:  Royal Dainties.  Jacob may not have had the full revelation but his blessing over his son was a prophetic reference to this distant relative, Anna. Care to guess from what tribe she came?  Yes, Asher!  

Asher means "healthy and happy."  Even at the advanced age of 84, she was both happy and healthy because she had been preaching about Jesus for years.  The Holy Spirit hides the secret to our happiness and longevity here in her story.  Preaching Jesus: GRACE brings happiness and longevity!

Now, because of Jesus, you and I don't have to go around telling everyone about Jesus; we GET TO go around dishing out such "royal dainties," just like Anna because of that VERY special baby!

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