Monday, September 1, 2014

All Things Are Possible To Him Who Believes

Mark 9:21-24
24 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. 22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” 23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for one who believes.' 24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

How many sermons have we all heard preached on this passage?  Probably more than a few.  They all seem to be focused on the faith of man with the demon-possessed boy.  The presumption is that the boy's healing was dependent on his father's faith, right?  
While it is true that God is moved by our faith, this passage is not about our faith at all!

Jesus said to the man, "All things are possible to the one who believes."  Sounds plausible that He is saying that the man needs to have more faith.  But that's because many who preach on this and other such passages put the emphasis on man and what they believe he is expected to do.
Jesus isn't referring to OR including in the boy's healing anything of the man's faith at all which he himself admits is shaky and imperfect.  The "One Who believes," isn't the man; IT IS JESUS.  

The Greek text is where you find clarity.  It makes VERY clear that Jesus is referring to Himself.....NOT to the man and his faith.....or the lack thereof.


Let me say that there is absolutely no doubt the Bible is an inspired book.  But there is a little problem:  When you read it in a language other than the original ones--a translation in other words--you are seeing through the lens of the translator; a filter if you will.  

Because these people are human, like anyone, they have a point of view; a frame of reference which colors the text.  Trust, though that the Holy Spirit is MOST CAPABLE of protecting the integrity of God's word, so fear not!
However if the one translating believes that he must work to please God, that mentality will come through in his work.  Conversely, ifthe translator understands the finished work and the fact that it's ALL about Jesus, not OUR works, that will be evident as well.

The above phenomenon is clearly seen in this passage which has been MISunderstood, MISused and MISapplied to point to man's efforts rather than to Jesus in His beauty and perfection.  It puts you and I back under bondage to the law.
That's why it is so important to check every passage carefully with the Greek or Hebrew AND not to depend on our own intellect for the understanding.  It is the original languages that are inspired not the translations. Also, ASK THE AUTHOR: He loves to share and open up His word to you. 


Don't read or speak Greek or Hebrew?  No problem.   An excellent resource is one of my favorites-Strong's Interlinear Online Bible:  Lots of resources; VERY helpful.  You can glean what you need to know from the transliteration and research the root of any word.  (Follow this link to find Strongs Interlinear Online:
Try it sometime!  Go to this passage on Strong's site, click on the number above and look up the root word for "help," in Greek in this passage.  The man actually said," I believe" but the word recorded is "pisteuó" which means, "I believe, have faith in or trust in.  'Help my "unbelief-boétheó,' which means, "come to the rescue of or come to help' my ápistia-unbelief, unfaithfulness, distrust.'"  A more accurate translation would have been "I believe; come to the rescue of my unbelief."

That paints a bit of a different picture, doesn't it?  The emphasis is no longer on the man's faith, but on Jesus:  WHERE IT BELONGS.  It is not, never was nor ever will be about us at all; IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS.  The only thing we "do" is consent to be saved, to be healed, to be delivered or whatever.

Translators often also add in words in English, for example, so that the text flows a little better in whatever language.  Any words you see in "italics" are added but are not part of the original text.  Where the father says "Help ME OVERCOME my unbelief," for instance, it actually says, "Help my unbelief."  There is nothing about the man overcoming.  As if his works could accomplish anything!  THEY CANNOT.

When you really think about it, what greater miracle is there than being raised from the dead?  So tell me:  How much faith did Lazarus exercise to be brought back to life after being DEAD FOR FOUR DAYS!?  I'm guessing......ZERO.
Church, NOTHING Jesus does for us is dependent on how good or how strong our faith is.  Faith as teeny, tiny as a little, itty bitty mustard seed IN the One Who is faithful and true is all we need in order for The Mountain Mover, THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE ONE, to move on our behalf.


It isn't you or I who have perfect faith at all:  IT IS JESUS ALONE.
His faith is always perfect.
His faith never wavers.

You and I need to have faith that HIS FAITH IS PERFECT, however weak or strong our own.  We need to see ourselves as He sees us--righteous and perfect because of His perfect work. 

Because ALL things are possible for Him: JESUS! Who believes.

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