Sunday, June 26, 2016

Psalm 91 Part 6 of 7: Protected From Attacks Of The Enemy

Psalms 91:13
"You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.”

Jesus CRUSHED the head of the serpent!  HALLELUJAH!...and just like our Master, we too, can tread upon serpents!  That roaring old lion has no more teeth because Jesus' finished work.  He has given us sure defenses against ALL the attacks of the devil.

The Secret Place of the Most High has every benefit and every protection from EVERY kind of danger, every kind of disaster, every kind of illness.  There are even legions of angels to watch over us as you saw in part 5.  
(In case you missed it, follow this link:

Our most dedicated enemy is the devil. He hates God, and he hates mankind because we are made in His image.  Since he cannot strike at God directly, he tries to strike at God's beloved ones:  Us.

He comes against us in two ways:  Like a lion and like a snake. A lion is loud, visually terrifying and destructive while a snake moves stealthy, unseen and strikes suddenly without warning.

Whether large and fearsome or a small and inconvenient, be it overt or covert, our God is there to guard, guide and protect us or to rescue us out of trouble if we're already in it.  All we need to do is rest in Him, to rest in the secret place of the Most High, remain in faith and speak out God's word.

The area in which the devil's attacks is our faith.  We don't actually fight the devil himself.  We are no match for him.  Besides, Jesus defeated him, remember?  However, although he is bound, he isn't gagged.  He whispers in our ears trying to get us to focus on our problems or on the multitudes of problems and bad news in the world instead of on The Problem Solver, Jesus!  He gets a lot of help from the "Media-nites,"too.  (Midian in Hebrew means "strife.")

That's about all you hear from our modern-day media:  STRIFE!  They showcase all the bad stuff that happen everywhere; plane crashes, terror attacks, murders, earthquakes and wild, destructive weather, you name it.

Listen:  Thousands and thousands of airplanes landed safely today and thousands and thousands more will land safety tomorrow.  More good things and good weather happened today than bad.  Good news outnumbers bad news by far.

Whether it be the trials or troubles common to man that we experience in life, things that the devil throws at us or troubles of our own making, we can walk right through their midst and come out on the other side in safety.  
Psalm 23 says, "Yea, though I walk THROUGH..." You are going THROUGH, not staying in your troubles.  Confessing this Psalm and others over ourselves and our families lovingly provided by our Father is our best weapon.

Now, just because it says we will tread upon serpents doesn't mean you can go playing around with venomous snakes thinking God will protect you.  It means as you walk through life and come upon unseen or unexpected dangers, there is protection or deliverance from them.  Don't put God to a foolish test unless you'd like this epitaph on your tombstone: "I WAS WRONG."

God’s answer to every problem and every situation is always the cross.  Through Jesus and the power of His finished work we can safely weather any storm, make it through problems both large and small and big attacks that would otherwise be insurmountable.  We trample them underfoot.  Thank you, Jesus!  

When we rest, He works!  
Oh, yes:  We are protected from ALL the attacks of the enemy.

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