Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mind Games

2 Corinthians 10:4-6
" For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,"

Spiritual warfare is a hot topic, isn't it?  There is no denying we are at war and there is a battle raging all around us.

Believers are warriors, in a sense; but the battlefield isn't "up there," in the heavenlies. We don't have to go climbing up somewhere to pull down the strongholds spoken of in the above.
Nope. THE BATTLEFIELD IS IN YOUR MIND.  Win in this arena and you win the battle in the unseen realm.

Spiritual warfare, contrary to popular opinion, is not "fighting with the devil," per sé.  In fact "WE" don't fight him:  JESUS DOES.  You and I, Church, fight to remain in faith; to remain at rest in Him, trusting Him to defend and protect us.

(For more on God's protection, follow this link:

This short passage plainly states that the weapons of our warfare are "not carnal," meaning not tangible or material.  They are "mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."  They are mighty for casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.

Where are these strongholds? They're in your mind.  What are these arguments?  Sometimes they are in your own mind in the form of doubts.  Sometimes they come from outside sources like the media or other people.  "Every high thing that EXALTS ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD" are things like human wisdom, human reasoning or other so-called "teachings" that masquerade as the truth.

As if all that weren't bad enough, we have the devil and his tactics.  Fortunately for us he CANNOT read your mind.....BUT he can plant thoughts there that are not yours.  It's also good to bear in mind that, if the devil--a fallen angel--cannot read your mind, neither can good angels. 

Here's the thing:  As soon as you think you thought of whatever "IT" is and confess it with your mouth he's got you. Do yourself a favor:  DON'T OWN IT.  In other words, don't speak it out.  
He can only tell he's got you BY WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.

Likewise, the angels of God only respond to God's word as you confess it WITH YOUR MOUTH.
(See the link below for more on this topic:

God clearly intends for us to use the above weapons to combat those THOUGHTS. Notice He directs us to bring all our THOUGHTS "to the obedience of Christ." It doesn't say "Be obedient LIKE Christ."

What does it mean to bring our thoughts to the obedience of Christ?  The traditional teaching out there would have you believe that you must work really hard to "think like Jesus," to be obedient like He was. 
As if!  There's no way we can be obedient like Christ.  NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.  That false teaching has you focused on you; on your behavior and your performance instead of on Jesus.  That's the essence of self-righteousness.  

Perhaps you're quaking inside, worried sick over some situation or circumstance in your life.  But as you confess God's word, with thanks and praise, pretty soon you'll be focused back on Jesus again, not on all the wind and waves of the storm swirling around you. You'll be walking with Jesus on top of the water, above the storm, safe in His arms! 

If you find yourself worried or afraid, 2 Tim. 2:17 says that "God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  

Confess God's word and your fears will disappear.

Do you need healing?  Confess the last line of Isaiah 53:5; " His stripes I am healed," or any number of other verses that speak of the blood-bought right of the blood-bought congregation.  

Healing is FAR MORE than a promise.  It's a blood-bought right of the blood-bought congregation, Church.  Jesus paid DEARLY for our complete Shalom.  In fact, it was far and above an OVERPAYMENT!
(For more on that topic, follow this link:

Need provision of any kind?  Confess Psalm 23:1; "The Lord is my Shepherd, I SHALL NOT WANT."  He is a good God and a Good provider Who takes good care of His people!

Find a verse that works for you and chew on it all day.  Write it down; post it everywhere.  Win the battle for your mind!
(For more on meditating follow this link:

As for "bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ;" Who's obedience is it? Yours?....or Christ's?  Hmm....let's see.   Arewe the obedient ones?  NOT A CHANCE! 
It is Christ Who kept all the law perfectly FOR US.  It is Christ's obedience that counts.  
He was truly The obedient One!  He was obedient unto death, even the death on the cross!
It is Christ's obedience on which we need to focus, not our own...or the lack thereof.  

When thoughts assail you that are not pure, bring to mind that Jesus' thoughts are representative of your thoughts and they are always pure.  Our thoughts are always counted as pure because He is our High Priest.  As the High Priest goes, so goes the nation. 
(For more on this topic, follow this link:

That is taking every thought captive!  So, repent:  Metanoia...CHANGE YOUR MIND.  If you thought God was looking at you or your obedience to measure how you are, think again. HE ISN'T.
He is looking at you Perfect Lamb: Jesus!

Of course our old adversary, the devil, loves to plant thoughts in your mind and make you think you thought of them.  Then he knocks you on the head for thinking it!  IGNORE HIM.
You just point to Jesus and His obedience.  Remind that old liar that you are completely cleansed and righteous by His blood and seated right next to Jesus at His right hand. 

Then move on.  You don't need to claim it.  It's not yours for YOU ARE IN CHRIST.  All he has is lies, tricks and misdirection but no real power over the believer who knows what his or her rights are in Christ.

.....And that, Church, is how you beat the devil at his Mind Games.

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