Thursday, May 17, 2018

The First-Born Blessing: Double Portion!

Romans 8:11
“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”
What an amazing verse that tells us we have living within us the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead.  That's power!!!
As if that weren't good enough, we have a DOUBLE PORTION of the power of the Trinity right here in this short little verse.  I'm sure you noticed the bold words in RED.  The Trinity is mentioned TWICE.  Double portion of the Trinity is a picture of the First-Born blessing!  
To read more about the first-born and what it means, please follow the link below:
One Blessing, Three Persons, Double Portion.
Let's take a closer look at this verse and see the Trinity mentioned twice:
"The Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead..." Let's expand and rephrase the first part to clarify.  "If the Spirit/the Holy Spirit of the Him/the Father Who raise Jesus/the Son..."  Here we have the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son mentioned once.  That's great in and of itself!  
Here's the second half of this powerful verse:  "He/the Father Who raised Christ/the Son from the dead shall also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit/the Holy Spirit Who dwells within you." 
Promise For Here, Not Hereafter.
Notice it says that He will give life to your “Mortal bodies?”  This promise is not for after you die or after Jesus comes again, it specifically says, “Mortal bodies.”  This promise is for us, here and now, while we walk this earth!  

He came to give us LIFE, not death.  LIFE to your mortal bodies means “Health.”  We get to walk in the power of the Trinity NOW.

God And Man.
That's a double portion of the power of the Trinity in one verse!  But I see something else.  Notice that the first mention of the Son is "Jesus" and the second mention of the Son is "Christ."  This is no accident!
 In the Gospels, you see Jesus called or referred to as “Jesus Christ.”  Jesus is mentioned first and Christ, His title, is mentioned second.  But in the epistles, you often see it reversed.  You and I are sanctified “in Christ Jesus.”  Why?
Jesus’ Name literally means, “Salvation;” But Christ means, “Messiah.”  Before He shed His blood, He was the “Promised Messiah,” but after He rose from the dead, He is forevermore “the Promise FULFILLED!”  That’s why you and I are referred to as “IN Christ Jesus.”  
This verse is beautifully portrayed in the construction of the tabernacle of Moses.  To read all about it and see more wonderful things about our Lord Jesus, please follow the link below, but I warn you, it's a rather lengthy discussion:
What an awesome God we have, Who gives us double portion of the first-born blessing!

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