15 When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, "Perhaps Joseph will hate us, and may actually repay us for all the evil which we did to him." So they sent messengers to Joseph saying, 'Before your father died he commanded, saying, 'Thus you shall say to Joseph: I beg you, please, forgive the trespass of your brother and their sin; for they did evil to you.'" Now, please, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of your father." And JOSEPH WEPT when they spoke to him.
Then his brothers also went and fell down before his face, and they said, "Behold, we are your servants."
Joseph said to them, "do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive, Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them."
One of the most prophetic books of the entire Bible, believe it or not, is the book of Genesis. Like almost any narrative in scripture, there is the story on the surface, called the "Parashah," and truths found in the deeper levels of the "sod." The entire book is actually a timeline of end time events. What happened way back in Genesis is beginning to happen all over again in these last days.
Contained herein is the story of Joseph who's life story, more closely than any other in the Bible, resembles that of our Lord Jesus. There are so many parallels and thus there is great benefit in studying it because it unveils much about the beauty of our Lord Jesus.
In the passage above, Joseph's brothers had come to him and told him this concocted story after Jacob died. The truth is, their father had said nothing of the sort. They made the whole thing up because they assumed Joseph was angry with them for their cruel betrayal of him years before.

In the passage above, Joseph's brothers had come to him when He was Viceroy of all Egypt and relayed this concocted story. You see, after Jacob died, they mistakenly assumed that Joseph would take revenge on them for what they did to him years earlier.
The truth is, their father had said no such thing. They made the whole thing up out of fear.
Parallels To Jesus' Life.
Here are a few of the parallels between Joseph's life story and our Lord Jesus:
Here are a few of the parallels between Joseph's life story and our Lord Jesus:
1) Joseph was beloved of his Father but rejected by his brothers.
2) He was sold for 20 pieces of silver into slavery in Egypt, a typology of the world.
1) Joseph was beloved of his Father but rejected by his brothers.
2) He was sold for 20 pieces of silver into slavery in Egypt, a typology of the world.
3) He was thrown into prison for three years, a typology of Jesus' death.
4) He was elevated to the 2nd highest
position in the whole country: Viceroy of Egypt, second only to Pharoah in power.
5) His position as Viceroy saved many lives when his family relocated to Egypt during time of great famine.
1) Jesus was beloved of His Father but rejected by His brothers--the Jewish people--when He came into this world.
2) He was betrayed, sold for 30 pieces of silver.
3) He was beaten and brutalized beyond recognition and died on the cross for all of us. Three days later, He was raised to life.
4) He is now exalted far above everything and everyone, seated at The Father's right hand and He saved us all!
Joseph Wept.
5) His position as Viceroy saved many lives when his family relocated to Egypt during time of great famine.
1) Jesus was beloved of His Father but rejected by His brothers--the Jewish people--when He came into this world.
2) He was betrayed, sold for 30 pieces of silver.
3) He was beaten and brutalized beyond recognition and died on the cross for all of us. Three days later, He was raised to life.
4) He is now exalted far above everything and everyone, seated at The Father's right hand and He saved us all!
Joseph Wept.
Genesis records that JOSEPH WEPT FIVE TIMES. Five,
for those who may not know, is the number of grace. How do we know that? For more on that topic, follow this link: https://emmausroadministries.wordpress.com/2016/09/01/there-is-no-blessing-without-the-son/
The first time he wept was when His brothers initially came to Egypt to buy grain because of the severe famine. They of course didn't recognize Joseph because of his Egyptian garb and Jonny Depp makeup, and he spoke through an interpreter. He was so overcome with emotion at seeing his family again but, because he wasn't ready to reveal his identity yet, he dismissed them, hid himself from them and wept bitterly.
The first time he wept was when His brothers initially came to Egypt to buy grain because of the severe famine. They of course didn't recognize Joseph because of his Egyptian garb and Jonny Depp makeup, and he spoke through an interpreter. He was so overcome with emotion at seeing his family again but, because he wasn't ready to reveal his identity yet, he dismissed them, hid himself from them and wept bitterly.
When Jesus came to His own human family, they did not
recognize Him when He was here on earth. Though He loves them so, they rejected Him. As a He entered into Jerusalem, ridding on a donkey, He audibly sobbed, crying over His people. He saw what was going to happen to them in the distant future without His protection. He knew He would be unable to help them because they didn't want Him.
His brothers found him in royal garb. What they would have been expected if he was alive, was a lowly shepherd boy. Truth be told, they weren't expecting to find him at all. They understandably presumed he was long dead.
Conversely, the Jewish people of Jesus’ day were expecting a conquering king, royal in apparel and appearance. Instead He was came to them in humility, born into a poor family. He lived in Nazareth of all places, a seedy little backwater town in the Galiliean countryside. He even dressed like the people of the times; lowly, humble and unassuming.
Prophetic Of Our Times.
The last time Joseph wept is noteworthy and has
prophetic significance and implications for today. It is recorded for us in
the very last chapter of Genesis which you read in the opening passage.
When Joseph first revealed to his brothers who he was, they were terrified that he would seek retribution now that their father was dead. But Joseph reassured them that God had sent him ahead to save them all. What they meant for evil, God meant for good. He not only forgave them but held absolutely no ill will against them. Genesis 45 verses 4-5 records that exchange:
4 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you..."
What made Joseph weep for the last time was the fact that they didn't know they were really, really, really ALREADY FORGIVEN OF ALL THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS AGAINST HIM.
Why Is Jesus Weeping Over His Church Today?
It isn't because of sin in the church. It isn't because believers not reading their Bible enough, not praying enough, not having enough faith, or being unfaithful in attending church. Nope. NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Just like Joseph's brothers, many Christians think that God is, if not out-right angry with them, He's at least mildly disappointed. They don't understand that it isn't just their sins of the past up to the present that are forgiven when they came to faith in Christ but THEIR FUTURE SINS ARE PUT AWAY AS WELL.
Jesus did a complete work. All your sins are completely cleansed from the moment you were born again until you meet Jeaus face to face. It's good to discuss with your Father your failings but no you confess that Jesus has already cleansed you each time you fail, that you are the righteousness of God in Christ. You are a bride ALREADY FIT for the coming of her bridegroom. You are not going to be complete; YOU ALREADY ARE.
In the Old Testament when you brought your lamb to the priest for a sin offering, he didn't examine you. Nah! He knew why you were there. He examined your lamb to make sure it was without spot or wrinkle. Then, you placed your hands on the head of the lamb and your sins passed to the innocent lamb. He then offered your sacrifice and you went away with the representative righteousness of the lamb. It gave you temporal forgiveness, like a promissory note. You looked forward to a finished work. We, today, look back to His finished work! Amen!
(For more on this topic, follow the link below: https://emmausroadministries.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/promissory-notes-passover-series-part-4-of-4/)
Today, God doesn't look at you to evaluate you. No. He looks at your Lamb.
Is Jesus without spot or wrinkle?
Is He ALWAYS acceptable to God?
Do you EVER have to go to God and re-offer your Lamb?
Do you still sin?
Are you still righteous because of the finished work?
It is precisely because the Church as a whole still doesn't understand their complete forgiveness that Jesus weeps;
.....and it was because Joseph's brothers didn't understand their complete forgiveness that Joseph wept.
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