Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Your Lamb Shall Be Without Blemish: Passover Series Part 2

Exodus 12:3-8
“3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: “On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. 4 And if the household is too small for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of the persons; according to each man’s need you shall make your count for the lamb.
“5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6 Now you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall KILL IT AT TWILIGHT. 7 And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it.8 Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; ROASTED IN FIRE…….”

Little lambs are so cute, cuddly, and playful, aren’t they?  You can’t be around one for very long without completely falling in love with it.
Can you imagine taking that sweet, innocent little lamb into your family, getting attached to it, falling in love with it then, five days later, have to slaughter it or watch as it is killed? 😭 That is exactly what happened in every Jewish household every Passover since the first night they left Egypt.

The 10th Of Nissan.
God explicitly told the Jewish people they must take a young male in it’s first year of life into their homes on the tenth day of the Nissan, the first month of their religious calendar. They were to keep it until the fourteenth day. That’s five daysthe number of grace, by the way.
During that time they were to examine it thoroughly to be sure it had no blemishes or defects. Then the whole congregation was to kill it exactly at twilight. Twilight, in Hebrew time, is 3pm. 

Here is how the sacrificial lamb was prepared by the priests in the tabernacle up until Jesus came:
1. The day it was to be killed, the lamb was tied to a wooden stake at the bottom of the ramp of the bronze altar at 9am, the time of the morning sacrifice.  A Ram’s horn was sounded at that time.
2. Then the high priest walked UP THE RAMP of the bronze altar (bronze is a typology of judgment in the Bible), and slit the throat of the lamb at exactly 3pm
3. The priest then turned around, spread his arms, as in the posture of someone hanging on a cross, and cried out with a loud voice to all the congregation, “It is finished”
4. The ram’s horn was sounded once again at this exact time.   
5. Those who were to eat the lamb must only eat it after it had been “Roasted in fire.” 
Does all of this sound oddly familiar?  It should! It’s kinda like a re-enactment.  Only it can’t be a re-enactment because the event hadn’t happened yet. It would not occur for some 1500 years. It’s actually a “Pre-enactment!” 😁

(Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.)

The Final Passover.
Fast forward now to the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into JerusalemHe entered the city on the 10th day of the month of Nissan, the first month of the Jewish religious calendar. The five days later, He was crucified.
Hmm…..the FIVE DAYS leading up to His death on the 14th, where was the Lamb of God? In the house, of course; His Father’s house that is, meaning the temple.  What He was doing there?  BEING THOROUGHLY EXAMINED by the Pharisees. Why?

Because at the end of that week, FIVE DAYS LATER on the 14th of the month, He would become the real Passover Lamb, the Perfect, ONCE-FOR-ALL sacrifice.  Jesus death, however, would not merely cover our sins for one year, but CLEANSE THEM ALL FOR ALL TIME WITH ONE APPLICATION OF THE BLOOD on the “doorposts” of people’s hearts.

(Jesus answering the Pharisees who could find no fault in Him.)

The Pharisees, of course, had NO IDEA they were fulfilling Bible prophecy by their questioning.  
They did not know they were EXAMINING THE REAL LAMB, prior to the final SACRIFICE TO END ALL SACRIFICES.  Just like those cute, innocent little lambs who represented the final one for the last 1500 years, Jesus was also examined IN THE (Father’s) HOUSE for five days.  And the verdict?  THEY FOUND NO FAULT IN HIM.

Unlike the yearling lambs, however, Jesus was not only without “SPOT,” He was without “WRINKLE” as well.  What’s the difference? Simply this: We are not born with wrinkles; they come with age.  In other words, He was born without sin (without spot) and, as He walked this earth, He did not commit any sins either in thought, word, or deed (no wrinkles). 

If you are at all familiar with the five offerings of Leviticus, you understand what all that means. If not and you want to read more on the topic, you may follow the link below:

The Final Sacrifice.
The year that Jesus died was unlike any other. As the customary sacrificial lamb was tied to the bottom of the altar at the temple, THE PERFECT LAMB OF GOD WAS LIVING IT OUT IN REAL LIFE OUTSIDE THE CITY WALLS.
As the high priest ascended the bronze ramp of judgment which, by the way, is in the shape of a cross, (see picture above) Jesus, our Great High Priest, was ascending the final hill (ramp) of judgment to the final altar atop Mt. Calvary. At precisely 9am, the first nail was driven into His hand as He was nailed to that wooden cross, just as at precisely 9am, the shadow sacrifice of the lamb at the temple was tied to a wooden stake at the bottom of the bronze ramp.  A ram’s horn (shofar) was sounded as was customary.  

Why a ram’s horn? Because you can only get one through the death of a male lamb, a picture of Jesus.  
No doubt the sound of that horn (Shofar) could be heard as far as the hill outside the city where the Perfect Lamb was about to give His life and die for the sins for the sins of the whole world.  In so doing, Jesus fulfilled both the morning and evening sacrifices on that day.

A Passover Like No Other.
Now, there are two times when it was lawful to consume the Passover meal:  The evening before or in the evening on the actual day. Jesus ate the Passover on the earlier night so that He could be the REAL PASSOVER LAMB the next day. But some events were about to happen that year that were VERY DIFFERENT.  It would be a Passover like no other.  At high noon, day became darker than the darkest night ALL OVER THE ENTIRE EARTH and remained so for three hours as its Creator hung on a cross, suffering, suspended between heaven and earth. 😭

Chinese Historians.
This 3-hour period of darkness is not just a myth or a made up story, Church.  It was an event that was actually recorded by Chinese historians!  😲 You see, more than any of the peoples in the entire world, Chinese are scrupulously accurate in their documentation of celestial and historical events. They may not have known or understood what caused it to be as dark as midnight in the middle of the day, but they certainly recorded it.
Incredibly, this darkness occurred at a time of year when total eclipses or, for that matter, eclipses of any kind, NEVER happen. NEVER…..except for that year. 🤯

Roasted In Fire.
It was during those three hours of darkness that all the fiery wrath and judgment of a thrice Holy God rained down upon His Son until IT WAS COMPLETELY SPENT. Our Lamb was literally “Roasted” in those fires of judgment that day.  That’s why the shadow lamb had to be ROASTED IN FIRE. It was a picture of what would happen to our precious Jesus some 1500 years in the future.  It was because of that fire that Jesus cried out, “I thirst.”  He was literally parched.
At precisely 3pm, as the high priest killed the representative lamb at the top of the ramp and cried “Finished,” while out that hill outside the city, Jesus, the True Lamb, THE FINAL SACRIFICE, cried out with a loud voice from the cross that very same word:  “FINISHED!”  You see, in Hebrew it is only one word: “FINISHED: Kū-láh!.”

Unlike the sacrifices of old, however, that were completely burnt up by the fire, our Lamb lived through it to cry “FINISHED!” Then, He dismissed His spirit, as one would dismiss a servant, bowed His head and died.
Why did He have to do that?  Normally, when humans die, we don’t have any choice in the matter.  We die because our spirit leaves us on its own.  But Jesus was in full control, and in the presence of the Spirit of God, NO ONE CAN DIE, including Jesus. His wounds, though grievous, did not cause His death. He had to send His away so that His physical body would die.

He was not slain or murdered by either Jews or the Gentiles, though they all conspired to condemn Him to death.  Our sins were laid on Him at the cross so that He could pay the full price for all of them. He chose the cross. He willingly LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US.  No one took it from Him. 
At this time, the final triumphant blast of the shofar was sounded again.  It is said that demons tremble when they hear it because it signifies the death of the male ram, meaning IT SIGNIFIES JESUS’ DEATH, THE ONE WHO SAVED HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS AND CRUSHED THE SERPENT’S HEAD.

HALLELUJAH!!!  Jesus’ work of redemption is COMPLETE!   In heaven today, you and I FOREVER have a Lamb without spot or wrinkle!

Passover Series Part 1: Jesus Opened The Door

Exodus 12:21-24 NKJV
"21 Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel and said to them, “Pick out and take lambs for yourselves according to your families, and kill the Passover lamb. 
22 And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning. 23 For the Lord will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.  24 And you shall observe this thing as an ordinance for you and your sons forever."

What was done on our behalf on that cross 2,000 years ago is so beautifully detailed in the awesome feast of Passover. It is the basis on which we have a relationship with the most awesome person in the universe: JESUS.  As this season of the year draws near, let’s take time out to meditate on this most important feast of the Jewish people, a beautiful picture of what Our Lord did for us so long ago.

Not A Religion.
Christianity is not a “Religion.” It is not simply “A” way to God: It is, in fact, the ONLY WAY.  More to the point, it is the exact OPPOSITE of “Religion.”  Though lumped together with all other “belief systems,” so called, represented in the picture above, it actually isn’t like any of them at all.  Though it may called a “Faith Tradition” by some, IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. In studying the Feast of Passover, we’ll discover why this is so. 😍
The one CRITICAL assurance that none of these can give, however, is this:  AN IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE OF SAFE PASSAGE OUT OF THIS WORLD.  Only Jesus can offer that.

For centuries, the Jewish people obediently observed the feasts God instituted, Passover being one of them. They didn’t know that what they were doing was a shadow representation of what Jesus would do in the distant future. It was just a religious ritual to them prescribed by God Himself.
This holiday remains a mystery to modern Jewish people, who believe their Messiah has not yet come. They don’t realize that they missed their visitation. When their Messiah, the real Lamb of God, came into this world and died on the cross, they simply didn’t recognize Him. They didn’t understand that the Passover lamb they sacrificed for 1500 years was a pre-enactment of what their Messiah did on that hill 2,000 years ago. 

Other Religions vs Christianity.
Religion can be defined as “Man’s search for God.”  There are lots of different ones in the world, all comprised of people who are doing just that: Looking for God or trying to reach some form of perfection.  To the unbeliever, they all appear equally good.  They mistakenly believe that all of them can lead a person to God and, ultimately, to heaven. They don’t! ALL those other belief systems are deceptions devised by a devil who hates mankind and will stop at nothing to destroy as many of us humans as he can.  
The big problem with all the other religions is that you must rely on yourself and your performance which, predictably, always falls far short.  Under such systems, you stand to lose everything if you don’t measure up.  Well that’s awful! 🤯 No human can do that.  What assurance do you have that you are doing enough or being good enough?  The answer is, “You have NONE.” 😟
Christianity is the OPPOSITE of religion:  It can be defined as, “God’s search for man.”  That’s not just different: It’s 180 degrees opposite. Your salvation is based on the faithfulness of Another, Jesus, not imperfect you. HALLELUJAH! 🙌🏻💖
Iron-clad Guarantee.
Wouldn’t you like to know for sure what will happen to you when you die? The one CRITICAL assurance that no religion offers is AN IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE OF SAFE PASSAGE OUT OF THIS WORLD.  Well, I have good news!  Such a guarantee does exist, and JESUS IS THE ONLY ONE Who can offer it.  He opened the door!
What do I mean by, “Safe passage?”  Perfect assurance that you’re going to heaven, not hell.  I know.  Nobody likes to talk about hell.  Neither do I.   But believe me: Hell is an all-too-real place.  You don’t want to go there!  It is eternal torment with no get-out-of-jail-free pass. How do we know that?
Our wonderful Jesus, Who loves us so much, talked a whole lot about it.  He did so because doesn’t want us to go there.  You see, it wasn’t designed for man.  It was created to be a place of eternal punishment for Lucifer and his band of fallen angels.

Assurance In The First Passover.
Can you really know for sure that you’ll go to heaven when you die?  YES you can!  You’ll find blessed assurance here in this story about the Children of Israel and the first Passover.
The night before the Children of Israel were delivered from the Egyptians, they were instructed to put the blood of a lamb on the doorposts and the lintels of their homes.  The Angel of Death was going to pass through the land on that night.  If He saw blood on the doorposts of any home, He would “Pass over” that household and spare the lives of everyone inside.
Moses had warned Pharaoh that this would happen.  Sadly, not one Egyptian household had blood on their doorposts and, as God promised, EVERY first born of both human and animals died. 😔

Mixed Multitude.
Did you know that the Children of Israel weren’t the only ones who escaped death?  It’s true. 😲 You see, by the time the 10th plague hit, the one where all the first-born died, many Egyptians had wised up.  The scripture below bears this out:
“A mixed multitude went up with them also, and flocks and herds—a great deal of livestock. (Exodus 12:38)
The word for mixed here in Hebrew is, “Ereb,” which means “Arabia.”  Yep!  Many Gentiles were saved and traveled with the Israelites when they left Egypt!
These Egyptians realized that this God was the real deal and NOT One to be trifled with.  So, wisely, they sought refuge with their Jewish neighbors that fateful night.  Just like the Jewish people, they were spared the fate of their countrymen.  That tells you that the Israelites didn’t escape death simply because they were Jewish; they escaped death because they were covered by the blood of the Lamb:  JESUS!

Types And Shadows.
Throughout the Bible there are pictures of Jesus represented in what are called, “Types.” The Book Of Hebrews is full of revelations about these types as given to the writer of the book, presumably the Apostle Paul.  They show us many wonderful things about Jesus that are hidden in the Old Testament. The story of Passover is a prime example.  It is all about Jesus! 💖
Egypt is a typology of the world. The blood on the doorposts is a foreshadowing, or “Type,” of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross.  The message couldn’t be more clear:  No one….NO ONE… getting out of “Egypt” alive without the blood on the doorpost of their heart; and be assured: Once it is applied, it can NEVER be removed.  This is our IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE.
Yep; you read that right: Once you are saved, YOU ARE ALWAYS SAVED. 💖

Sin Debt.
Why do we need a perfect sacrifice to offer God?  Because there is a sin-debt that we all owed to God as a result of Adam’s sin. It was a debt we could not pay, so Jesus paid it for us! 💖 Actually, He OVERpaid it and gives it to us as a free gift.  As the scriptures say,  Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”
You see, ALL humans are tainted with sin. We are born with it.  Yes, you read that right, too.  We are born in sin into this world.  Being stained with sin disqualifies us from being our own sacrifice.  We can neither offer ourselves nor do enough good works, as if we were tipping some kind of heavenly scale in our favor. We are blemished, imperfect, and unqualified from birth.  No matter how hard we try, we can never measure up.  That’s the biggest downfall of all the world’s religions.  That’s why we need a Savior!
The Bible says “ALL OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is as filthy rags.”  If you try to offer yourself as your own sacrifice, God has to reject your offering because there can be no spot or wrinkle…and off to hell you go. 😔.     

Accept Or Reject.
Just like any gift, you are free to either accept it or…  your own peril…..reject it.  This tells you that SALVATION is not universal or automatic.  If you reject the free gift He is offering, God is an awesome respecter of your free choice.  He will never force salvation on you. Please understand that there are consequences accompanying whatever your choice.  If you accept His free gift, you can NEVER die.  Your eternal life in heaven is assured.  But if you refuse it, you, who are already dead, WILL REMAIN SO FOREVER…..and suffer the eternal consequences. 😭
Other Religious Founders.
What about these other religions?  Do any of their founders claim to have created the heavens and the earth?  NO. Only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob records that He, and He alone, created the universe and all that is therein.  Looks like He’s the real ALMIGHTY ONE!
Can any of the founders of any other “religious traditions” say that they died and rose again?  Nope.  ALL OF THEM ARE STILL DEAD.
Can any other founder provide an offering acceptable to the God of the Universe–You know, The One Who makes the rules–which can give you SAFE PASSAGE OUT OF THIS WORLD?  Again, NO, NO, NO!  
THEREFORE:  No other religion in the world can offer you the ASSURANCE of heaven.

Metanoia: Change Your Mind!
If you die, i.e. leave Egypt without blood on the doorposts of your heart, YOU WILL BE TURNED AWAY at the gates to spend eternity in hell, from which there is NO REPRIEVE.  But fear not; Jesus’ priceless gift is offered freely to ALL without reservation.  Accepting it is so simple.  Just “metanóia: change your mind” about whatever it is you thought God required of you.
Going to heaven was never about doing enough good to outweigh the bad so you can somehow end up with the scale tipped in your favor. It isn’t about attaining some higher state of consciousness. IT HAS ALWAYS AND ONLY BEEN ABOUT PRESENTING AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE.  Jesus is THE ONLY sacrifice that qualifies.
Please, please, PLEASE:  Accept His free gift before the door to salvation is closed.  Just say “Thank you,” and your eternity is forever secure.  The blood of The Perfect Sacrifice is now on your doorposts and can NEVER be removed.  

Thank you, Jesus for opening up the door of heaven for us!

You may follow the link below to part 2 to continue this series: