The seven last words of Jesus show us some awesome things about Him, our Father, and show how much He loved us.
The First Word.
Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Jesus had just endured the cruelest torture man can inflict on man. It's amazing to me He could speak at all!
The first word He uttered was a prayer to His Father, showing us who was on His mind: US—His people. He was thinking of you and I! In effect, He was putting all Israel, and you and I, under the Trespass offering. This is critical to understand.
What is this offering and what does it mean to be placed under it?
What is this offering and what does it mean to be placed under it?
The Trespass Offering.
The Trespass Offering.
This is last of the five offerings outlined in the first five chapters of Leviticus. It covered the offerer of any and all sins of which he was unaware.
You see, the Jewish people didn't understand that Jesus was the Messiah. When they conspired to have Him crucified, they thought He was just a man. Being unaware that He was the Son of God, Jesus had great compassion on them and put them under the trespass offering so that their guilt and judgment would be lessened.
For more on the Trespass Offering, the links below contain more information:אָשָׁם/
The Second Word.
The Second Word.
Luke 23:43 “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
Jesus demonstrated in so saying that He is the God of the living, not the dead. You see, when you die, you don't dissipate into some formless, mindless vapor or whispy nothingness; you go on living somewhere.
God Breathed His Spirit Into Adam.
When God made man way back in Genesis, he was nothing more than a lifeless mannequin, until God breathed life into him. He was filled with the Spirit of God, which CANNOT DIE. This became the biggest problem of all after the fall.
You see, when Adam sinned, HE DIED SPIRITUALLY. In that state, he would be deserving of hell but for the blood that covered them from the sacrifices he was taught to offer to cover sins. These animal sacrifices could not take away their sin, mind you. They could only cover them. But they reminded God of THE FINAL SACRIFICE JESUS WOULD OFFER in the distant future. It was credited to him as righteousness.
God Breathed His Spirit Into Adam.
When God made man way back in Genesis, he was nothing more than a lifeless mannequin, until God breathed life into him. He was filled with the Spirit of God, which CANNOT DIE. This became the biggest problem of all after the fall.
You see, when Adam sinned, HE DIED SPIRITUALLY. In that state, he would be deserving of hell but for the blood that covered them from the sacrifices he was taught to offer to cover sins. These animal sacrifices could not take away their sin, mind you. They could only cover them. But they reminded God of THE FINAL SACRIFICE JESUS WOULD OFFER in the distant future. It was credited to him as righteousness.
Your Spirit Cannot Die.
There is ample scriptural proof of that in the story of the Rich man and Lazarus that your spirit goes on living after you die. Remember them?
The rich man in life had been selfish and cruel while Lazarus, who was a poor beggar, had nothing. The rich man feasted to his heart’s content while Lazarus was lucky to get the crumbs from his table.
Then one day, both of them died. Lazarus was ushered into Paradise, but the rich man went to the place of suffering. This was not because of his riches, you understand. The only thing that sends anyone to hell is rejecting Jesus or, in their case, not offering right sacrifices to God to remind Him of Jesus.
Being in great torment, the rich man looked across the great gulf separating the two and he saw Lazarus afar off, resting peacefully in what the Jewish people called, “The Bosom of Abraham.” Since each could recognize the other, you obviously have eyes to see. You also have a form similar to that which you had while you were alive so that others can tell it is you.
Being in great torment, the rich man looked across the great gulf separating the two and he saw Lazarus afar off, resting peacefully in what the Jewish people called, “The Bosom of Abraham.” Since each could recognize the other, you obviously have eyes to see. You also have a form similar to that which you had while you were alive so that others can tell it is you.
There is a whole lot more on this topic which we cannot cover here. Please follow the link below for more on this story:
The Third Word.
The Third Word.
John 19:26-27 "When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.“Behold your son: behold your mother.”
The Importance Of Family.
The Importance Of Family.
Jesus demonstrated that family is important. He will always protect and provide for us, His family. Though in horrific physical pain, being fully human, He made sure that His mother would be well cared for when He went back to His Father.
The only disciple at the foot of the cross was the youngest: John. All the others had gone into hiding for fear of the Jews. Peter, who had betrayed Him three times, was off somewhere else, terribly ashamed of himself for what he had done.
John, you recall, was the one who called himself, “The disciple whom Jesus loved,” in the gospel he wrote. He is the one who leaned on Jesus’ breast at supper and was the only one who knew who the betrayer was.
The Fourth Word.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
God is a Holy God. He cannot be in the presence of sin. All throughout the Old Testament, the only way He could be close to His people was to veil His countenance or everyone who looked on Him would die.
When Jesus took human form and walked this earth, He always called God, "Father." THIS IS THE ONLY TIME IT IS RECORDED THAT HE CALLED HIM, "My God." Why?
Because it was at this moment up until He cried, "Finished," that He carried our sins in His body and gave His soul as an offering for sin." THE FATHER HAD TO TURN HIS BACK ON HIS BELOVED SON AND UNLEASH ALL OF THE PUNISHMENT DUE FOR ALL OF OUR SINS UNTIL THE LAST ONE WAS PAID FOR IN FULL.
Judgment mercilessly rained down on Him as He bore the sins of the whole world. It was at this time that He lost fellowship with His beloved Father and was separated from Him. He did it so that you and I would never EVER be able to fall out of fellowship with God or be separated from Him.
This is so poignantly demonstrated in the almost sacrifice God asked of Abraham. For more on that topic, please follow the link below:
The Fifth Word.
John 19:28 "After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!”
Hebrews 12:28 says that our God is a "Consuming Fire." All those sins which were placed on Him were quite literally burned away. No wonder Jesus cried, "I thirst."
Even though crucifixion was THE CRUELEST form of capital punishment which the Romans perfected, they would offer the one suffering sour wine which was supposed to ease their pain.-
Jesus tasted it but did not drink it, choosing instead to bear the pain of paying for our sins fully. His action redeemed us from generational curses.
For more on that topic, please follow the link below:
Church, once you are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, YOU ARE NOT UNDER ANY CURSES OF ANY KIND.
Balaam found this to be true when he was hired by the king of Moab to put a curse on the Children of Israel when they were wandering around in the desert.
If you're interested in reading that story, please feel free to follow the link below:
The Sixth Word.
John 19:30 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!”
Jesus FINISHED the work! He fulfilled all the law. He fully paid for any and all judgment for our wrong-doing so that it would not fall on us who have accepted His sacrifice as our own. Not one Jot (yod) or tittle passed from the law. God overlooked NOTHING!
This is often something that many believers do not fully grasp. There are sincere pastors, teachers, and even theologians with PhD's who still do not understand that we are not under the Law anymore; we are under grace.
Understand, this does not make us "LawLESS," but rather even more "LawFULL." Why?
The Man Or The Map?
Because you and I, Church, don't need external Law to tell us right from wrong. We have the Holy Spirit INSIDE who leads and guides us into all truth. What would you rather have? The Man, Jesus, Who wrote the map, or would you rather have the map, the Law?
For more on that topic, please follow the link below:
The Seventh Word.
Luke 23:44-46 "44 Now it was[l] about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. 45 Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. 46 And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’” Having said this, He breathed His last."
Jesus wasn't murdered. He wasn't killed. He willingly laid down His life for us. Though His wounds were great, they didn't cause His death. He had to dismiss His spirit as one would dismiss a servant because in His presence, no one, including Jesus, can die.
The only disciple at the foot of the cross was the youngest: John. All the others had gone into hiding for fear of the Jews. Peter, who had betrayed Him three times, was off somewhere else, terribly ashamed of himself for what he had done.
John, you recall, was the one who called himself, “The disciple whom Jesus loved,” in the gospel he wrote. He is the one who leaned on Jesus’ breast at supper and was the only one who knew who the betrayer was.
The Fourth Word.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
God is a Holy God. He cannot be in the presence of sin. All throughout the Old Testament, the only way He could be close to His people was to veil His countenance or everyone who looked on Him would die.
When Jesus took human form and walked this earth, He always called God, "Father." THIS IS THE ONLY TIME IT IS RECORDED THAT HE CALLED HIM, "My God." Why?
Because it was at this moment up until He cried, "Finished," that He carried our sins in His body and gave His soul as an offering for sin." THE FATHER HAD TO TURN HIS BACK ON HIS BELOVED SON AND UNLEASH ALL OF THE PUNISHMENT DUE FOR ALL OF OUR SINS UNTIL THE LAST ONE WAS PAID FOR IN FULL.
Judgment mercilessly rained down on Him as He bore the sins of the whole world. It was at this time that He lost fellowship with His beloved Father and was separated from Him. He did it so that you and I would never EVER be able to fall out of fellowship with God or be separated from Him.
This is so poignantly demonstrated in the almost sacrifice God asked of Abraham. For more on that topic, please follow the link below:
The Fifth Word.
John 19:28 "After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!”
Hebrews 12:28 says that our God is a "Consuming Fire." All those sins which were placed on Him were quite literally burned away. No wonder Jesus cried, "I thirst."
Even though crucifixion was THE CRUELEST form of capital punishment which the Romans perfected, they would offer the one suffering sour wine which was supposed to ease their pain.-
Jesus tasted it but did not drink it, choosing instead to bear the pain of paying for our sins fully. His action redeemed us from generational curses.
For more on that topic, please follow the link below:
Church, once you are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, YOU ARE NOT UNDER ANY CURSES OF ANY KIND.
Balaam found this to be true when he was hired by the king of Moab to put a curse on the Children of Israel when they were wandering around in the desert.
If you're interested in reading that story, please feel free to follow the link below:
The Sixth Word.
John 19:30 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!”
Jesus FINISHED the work! He fulfilled all the law. He fully paid for any and all judgment for our wrong-doing so that it would not fall on us who have accepted His sacrifice as our own. Not one Jot (yod) or tittle passed from the law. God overlooked NOTHING!
This is often something that many believers do not fully grasp. There are sincere pastors, teachers, and even theologians with PhD's who still do not understand that we are not under the Law anymore; we are under grace.
Understand, this does not make us "LawLESS," but rather even more "LawFULL." Why?
The Man Or The Map?
Because you and I, Church, don't need external Law to tell us right from wrong. We have the Holy Spirit INSIDE who leads and guides us into all truth. What would you rather have? The Man, Jesus, Who wrote the map, or would you rather have the map, the Law?
For more on that topic, please follow the link below:
The Seventh Word.
Luke 23:44-46 "44 Now it was[l] about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. 45 Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. 46 And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’” Having said this, He breathed His last."
Jesus wasn't murdered. He wasn't killed. He willingly laid down His life for us. Though His wounds were great, they didn't cause His death. He had to dismiss His spirit as one would dismiss a servant because in His presence, no one, including Jesus, can die.
In John 10:18 Jesus Himself says, "No one takes it (His life) from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again."

Death By Crucifixion.
Many people throughout history suffered crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. Scientists have studied the skeletons of people killed in this manner. The skulls of all of them were cracked at the back and their neck bones showed that they bent as far back as possible.
Because they had to struggle for every breath as their lungs collapsed. It was a desperate attempt to gasp for air, which is why they would break the legs of the dying person. When they could no longer push themselves up in order to breathe, they died of asphyxiation.
Death By Crucifixion.
Many people throughout history suffered crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. Scientists have studied the skeletons of people killed in this manner. The skulls of all of them were cracked at the back and their neck bones showed that they bent as far back as possible.
Because they had to struggle for every breath as their lungs collapsed. It was a desperate attempt to gasp for air, which is why they would break the legs of the dying person. When they could no longer push themselves up in order to breathe, they died of asphyxiation.
Jesus however, did not die in this manner. HE BOWED HIS HEAD FORWARD, demonstrating that He was in complete control. THEN.....He dismissed His spirit and breathed His last.
He went through all this to redeem you me. It was His unquenchable desire to save all of us that kept Him going. But He had another reason. He wanted to vindicate His Father’s Name and bring honor and glory to Him.
What a God!!! What a Savior!!!