“Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were FINISHED. And on the SEVENTH day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”
Genesis 2:1-3
Numbers play a huge part in the Bible. Ask anybody if they've heard of the number 666 for instance and most know it has something to do with the end times. They may even know it is the number of the AntiChrist. They would be correct.
6 in Bible Numerics is the number of man. God created man on the 6th day.
He told Adam, "6 days shalt thou labor and do all thy work." Of course, a "day" to God, Who is not time-confined like us, is as a thousand years. (See 2 Peter 3:8.) By that reckoning, our lease is almost up!
Jewish rabbis for centuries have been well-acquainted with the meanings of numbers in the Bible. They call it "Gematria," in Hebrew.
At the wedding in Cana of Galilee Jesus had servants fill 6 earthen vessels with water which He turned into wine. This depicts you and I, earthen vessels, being filled with the water of the word by God's servants--your pastor or from whosoever you heard the word. Jesus comes along and transforms the water of the word into the wine--anointing us to do His work. Though we cannot transform ourselves, we can see to it that we fill our vessels with the water of the word.
Goliath is a type of satan the in the Bible as well as a depiction of the AntiChrist. He was 6 cubits tall, had on 6 pieces of armor and his javelin weighed 600+ shekels. See the triple 6's?
Just as he is a type of the AntiChrist, so David is prophetic of Christ defeating the devil (Goliath) and Modern Israel in the last days. He says something very telling to King Saul in 1 Samuel 17:37.
"“Moreover David said, “The LORD, who delivered me from the paw of the LION and from the paw of the BEAR. He will deliver me from the hand of this PHILISTINE”
Before Christ returns to earth in His second coming, Israel will face three enemies: The Lion, the
Bear and Goliath: The AntiChrist.
Bear and Goliath: The AntiChrist.
During WW2, the British were in control of the land which is today modern Israel. Many Jewish people attempted to flee from the Nazi persecution at that time by trying to enter Palestine. They were turned away by the British, many to their deaths. It was a very sad event and a big mistake by Great Britain as a nation. In essence, they sentenced God's people to death.
This does not in the least reflect on God's people in Great Britain who are blood-washed, born again believers, mind you. But because of the mistake their NATION made they subsequently waned as a world power. From that day on they surrendered colony after colony to the indigenous peoples.
The national symbol of Great Britain is THE LION.
David was next delivered by God from the paw of the BEAR. What nation does the bear represent? RUSSIA. What's been happening in our day and age is we see "The Bear" coming down from the country of the North along with her allies. They are at the border of Israel just like Ezekiel 38 predicted they would be. At some point, she and her allies will attack Israel. God's people will be delivered from the paw of the BEAR and this enemy and all with her will be destroyed on the mountains of Israel. This will happen very soon. The stage is set and the players are in motion.
Then we have the number 13. The first time it is mentioned there was a war involving ancient Elam which is located somewhere in the country we today call Iran. It was five kings against four and it occurred in the 13th year of the reign of the King of Elam, Chedorlaomer. The Bible says there was a rebellion. The number 13 means "rebellion." (See Genesis 14:4).
You and I don't need to be afraid of or superstitious about the number 13. There is nothing magical or mystical about any number. If you're planning an event and there is no other date available, it's ok. Go ahead. Nothing will happen to you. Our God always takes care of us no matter what the day or date. Greater is He Who is in you and I than he that is in the world. AMEN!
We don't need to go around living our lives in fear of the numbers. Jesus came to set us free, not to put us in bondage.
God, on the other hand, does everything by the numbers, so to speak. Their primary function is to tell the story of Jesus but they also give us glimpses into the way God thinks. He does things in patterns. Very complex patterns, of course, but patterns nonetheless.
Numbers are also there to show us deeper truths, certainly not to make us superstitious. Numerology this ain't! Biblical numerics unveil Divine truths and serve as sign posts that point to prophetic events both of the Messiah the last days.
The numbers 3, 5 and 7 are the most prevalent. 3, of course, is Abba's favorite number because His Son was raised back to life on the third day after paying for our redemption IN FULL! It was a great day for all of us! If anyone is interested in more on the topic of the third day, follow the link below:
We have one God but three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Man is made in His image and we are triparteid: Body, soul and spirit. Time is comprised of three parts: Past, present and future. Matter is three dimensional: Length, width and height. I think you get the idea.
5 is the number of Grace. The 5th time Noah's name was mentioned it says "Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." There are many things written about Jesus that contain the number five. When He was feeding the 5,000, He used 5 loaves and two fish and had them sit in groups of 50. He did 5 things: 1) He took the loaves and fish, 2) Looked up to heaven, 3) Blessed the bread, 4) Broke the loaves, 5) Gave them to His disciples.
In the story of the Prodigal son, when he came home at last, the father saw (1), the father had compassion (2), the father ran (3), the father embraced him (4), the father kissed him (5).
There are countless examples of how full of Grace are our Father and Our Savior but they are too numerous to recount here. As you read through the Bible, though, notice not just actual numbers but things like you've just read. You will be filled with love for Daddy Who loved us SO much that He sent Jesus Who is full of Grace!
7 is used more than any other number. It is the number of perfection or completeness. From Genesis to Revlation and all over creation, 7 is everywhere. It is like Daddy's fingerprint. It proves without a doubt that we were created by God, we didn't spring from apes as you'll see in a moment.
On the 7th day Genesis 1 says God "rested" from all His work, not because He was tired, but because it was "complete: finished." The first time this number is mentioned you find the word "rest" and the word "perfection" mentioned.
The very first verse in the entire Bible, Genesis 1:1, is 7 words in Hebrew and there are 28 letters in the sentence. 28 = 7X4: 7 is the number of competition;" 4 is the number of creation." Is this God's book or what?!
7 is stamped all over creation. There are 7 colors of the rainbow. The cycle of the moon is 28 days: 7x4. Why 7? Why not 6 or 8? Because God has stamped His mark on all of creation. It is proof that none of this is an accident. The earth didn't just "happen" to be just the right distance away from the sun so as not to either not freeze or burn up. God placed it here on purpose. All of the stars, the planets and solar systems move and work in perfect harmony according to His design.
In the final book of the Bible, Revelation, the number 7 is, well, EVERYWHERE. There are 7 churches, 7 angels and 7 trumpets. We have 7 vials of judgment, 7 blessings for the believer promised by Jesus, 7 expressions of the Lord Jesus Christ, 7 spirits of God.
Joshua went around Jericho for 7 days. The first 6 days, they went around once each day. But on the 7th day they marched around it 7 times. Then at his command, they all shouted and the walls fell.
Peter came to Jesus one time and asked, "Lord, how often should I forgive my brother? 7 times." He thought that sounded like a lot, I guess. But Jesus told him to forgive his brother 70X7. Just in case you're keeping track of just how much your brother or sister sins against you and you reach the 489th time, if you think that the 490th time is their last chance, you've missed what God is saying. Yes, 70X7=490. But in Bible numerics, 70X7 is the number of perfection. He's saying, "Keep on forgiving completely until you are perfect in heaven." There is no such thing as never forgiving. If God asks you to perfectly forgive your brother, will He do any less for you? No!
God's fingerprints are all over us, too. Your body, for instance, works on a cycle of 7. Every seven years your cells totally renew themselves. Wanna stay young longer? Immerse yourself in God's word. It is life and health to ALL YOUR FLESH according to Proverbs 4:22.
God fills our mouth with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagle's. This is a literal, physical renewal. You see, when an old eagle's feathers become ragged and tattered, he will fly up to a very high, secluded place, pluck out his beak then pluck out his talons when the beak has grown back. Finally, he will pluck out all his feathers and wait until new ones grow in. This process takes about 5 months during which the bird is completely helpless. When it's young, new feathers have grown back, it flies off. New body but an old mind! That's what God's word does for us. He continually renews us with His Word which He puts IN OUR MOUTHS, which means "speak it out!"
You can see God's signature all over our physical bodies. There are 7 bones in your neck, 7 bones in your head, 7 holes in your head, 7 bones in your ankle. Medical science tells us your heart beats slower one day out of 7 because God has designed you to rest one day out of 7. That doesn't mean sitting home doing nothing. God designed us to rest by having fellowship with other believers and worshipping the Lord. It's the best kind of rest!
Christian women are called "daughters of Sarah," in 1 Peter 3. We are not called daughters of Ruth or Naomi or Esther or any other great woman of God because Sarah is the only woman in the Bible to LITERALLY have her youth renewed. In her nineties a heathen King wanted her for his harem. He wasn't the kind of man who sensed things "spiritually" and he was not nearsighted, in case you wondered. No. He looked on her OUTWARD appearance. She wasn't an old, shriveled up, way-past-her-expiration-date woman. Harems are filled with young, beautiful women. Her youth had literally been renewed so that she could carry her son, Isaac, for nine months.
When women in the body of Christ walk in faith, God will renew their youth like the eagle's! Hebrews 11 alludes to Sarah's renewal. In the Greek it says, "...by faith Sarah received "dunamís: strength" to conceive seed." That strength she received to conceive seed also renewed her physical body.
Speaking of which, a woman carries her baby in cycles of 7. The gestation period for a human baby is 9 months. That's 40 weeks or 280 days. 280 is 7x40. A hen carries her young for 21 days--7x3; cats, 56 days--7x8; dogs: 63 days--7x9. The Lion, 98 days--7x14. See? All are cycles of 7. GOD'S FINGERPRINTS are everywhere!
As for the 7 spirits of God, in Isaiah 11 it says, "“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the LORD (1) shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom (2) and understanding (3), The Spirit of counsel (4) and might (5), The Spirit of knowledge (6) and of the fear of the LORD (7).” Isaiah 11:1-2. These are also mentioned in Revelation.
The central and most important is the Spirit of the LORD: YAHWEH: The covenant-keeping One.
Next we have the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of understanding. These two go hand in hand. They manifest in us as a word of wisdom or a word of knowledge. They are the "knowing gifts."' They allow Moms and Dads to parent their children effectively, a pastor to shepherd his Church or a businessman to conduct his affairs well. God drops into your mind a word of wisdom or knowledge for your particular situation supernaturally.
Then we have the spirit of council and might. These are the power gifts. 1 Corinthians 12 enumerates them for us: Gifts of faith, healings and working of miracles.
Finally we have the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. The fear of the LORD if you study it always has to do with your tongue. If you fear God, keep your tongue from evil. That's how the fear of the LORD is manifested.
For more on the topic of keeping your tongue from evil, follow the link below:
These are the 7 rays of God's Spirit, and God wants us FULL of the Holy Spirit!
Last, but not least, God has divided up all of history into 7's. From the present to the time of Jesus, 2,000 years have come and gone. From Jesus to Abraham was a span of 2,000 years, and from Abraham to Adam, another 2,000 years. We are fast approaching the to the time of the 1,000-year rule of our Lord Jesus' on the 7th "day: the 7th thousand-year period" since God created the earth.
Under man's rule these past 6 "days" there has been nothing but distress. But when Jesus returns to rule this earth there will be nothing but REST. HALLELUJAH!!!
This is why Israel and Jerusalem are always in the news. They are the focal point of all history because, when Jesus returns, He will rule the world with righteousness and justice. He will not rule from Rome or Paris, London or Washington but His Capitol: Jerusalem.
Jesus came as a Jew. He's the One Who slew the dragon, that over-sized snake. The devil knows that when Jesus returns and sits on the throne of His father, David, at last, this spells his ultimate doom. That's why he hates Jerusalem, hates the Jews and why he has instigated all his cronies to try and wipe them off the face of the earth. He's trying to prevent the second coming thinking that he can avert his fate. Guess he doesn't know he's ALREADY LOST THE WAR.
I hope it has blessed you much as it has me to learn some of the awesome things The Holy Spirit is showing us through Bible Numerics.